Questions tagged [medieval]

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Duns Scotus : how can the " concept of being" be univocal without there being a nature common to God and to creatures?

Source : Paul Vincent Spade, Survey Of Medieval Philoosphy ( Dunst Scotus is said to hold the thesis of univocity of being: i.e. the thesis according to which the ...
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Why is natural law ethics based on what happens in most cases? (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Summa Theologica II-II q. 154 a. 2: Nor does it matter if a man having knowledge of a woman by fornication, make sufficient provision for the upbringing of the child: because a matter that comes ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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Did the medievals have a philosophy of childhood?

St. Augustine is last philosopher I know who treats childhood as interesting in the particular until Thomas Aquinas,* and after that it's basically straight on until Locke's theories of development ...
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For St. Thomas Aquinas, is speaking what is true with the intent to deceive a immoral?

For Saint Thomas Aquinas, the essence of lying (lying is always immoral for him) has nothing to do with the intention to deceive (Summa Theologica II-II q. 110 a. 1 co.): Accordingly if these three ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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What is the bridge between Agrippa's and Descartes' mindsets? What to read to understand the radical change

After Reading a couple of works by Descartes (XVI century), I am now reading "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" by Cornelius Agrippa (around 1530). The difference in mindset and worldview is ...
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The Byzantine intellectual underreported History?

There are of course volumes and volumes of questions on Ancient Greek Philosophy and Philosophers; this is to be expected since Ancient Greece was and is still largely viewed as the Fountainhead of ...
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