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6 votes
2 answers

Can moral theories be "elegant" or beautiful or sublime?

It is often said that mathematics has some (peculiar) sort of beauty to its name. Whether beauty attaches as such primarily to the notation/style of mathematical writing, or to the interplay of the ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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What meta-ethics is most commonly associated with 'hard determinism'?

Since moral responsibility seems to require free will, hard determinism implies that people are not morally responsible for their actions. So what exactly does that imply about supposed moral ...
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Can morally good actions be considered beautiful/aesthetic?

Ive been trying to find resources on whether morality can be considered aesthetic. I found philosophers who suggest ideas can be aesthetic, so I was wondering whether something as abstract could be ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does Nietzsche affirm excellence so much?

A recurring theme in Nietzsche's writings seems to be that humans should strive for excellence “the highest power and splendor possible to the type man”. Im just wondering what it is about excellence ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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