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Questions tagged [multiverse]

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4 votes
9 answers

Do multiverse theories undermine intelligent design arguments mathematically?

It is well known that the probability of life arising in a universe of our sort is vanishingly small. Theists have used this fact to argue that life is designed by God. However, if there are an ...
Frank McCain 's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Under reductive materialism, could the same brain state evoke distinct conscious experiences (qualia) in two universes within a multiverse?

For the sake of discussion, let's grant the validity of reductive materialism. Moreover, let's entertain the notion that our universe is just one among an infinite (or significantly vast) number of ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Does the forcing phenomenon prove some sort of set-theoretic multiverse?

It seems that, "A can be forced to equal B," allows, "A is possibly equal to B." In possible-worlds lingo, this gets us, "There is a possible world where A = B." Since ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar