Questions tagged [parmenides]

Parmenides of Elea (late sixth to early fifth century BCE) was a Greek philosopher and founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Plato's Parmenides conclusion

Reading this and at the end it says that Plato rescues the existence of forms and shows "that Purity-F, Uniqueness, and No Causation by Contraries ...
Ilya Grushevskiy's user avatar
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What reasoning does Melissus or Parmenides give against the existence of "empty" or "the void"?

Melissus reaffirms Parmenides by explaining how there cannot be many without the existence of that which is empty, and since that which is empty is nothing, and nothing can't exist, thus there cannot ...
personjerry's user avatar
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considering the line and circle as not just a contrary, but as a extremes on a continuum

Question: In Greek philosophy, it is generally taken that the line and the circle form a contrary. For example in Aristoteles Physics generally takes that motion can be formed out of this contrary, ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Papers on the history of the answers to Parmenides

I'd like to ask if any of you know of a paper which talks about the history of the answers to Parmenides and Zeno(from Plato and Aristotle to more recent works such as Russell's and )
user66094's user avatar
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Does anyone know which source Anthony Kenny used for Parmenides in A History of Western Philosophy?

Reading his textbook, his extracts of Parmenides are much more readable than the other translations I've come across, but he only seems to source them by Diels-Kratz number! In case anyone recognises ...
tom894's user avatar
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What does Vlastov’s 1954 paper really mean

I’m Attempting to find out the counter arguments to the Third man argument. And while researching came across Vlastov’s 1954 Paper ‘The third man argument in Parmenides’ (The Philosophical Review 63, ...
Noah Dunford's user avatar