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Questions tagged [personhood]

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2 votes
2 answers

Distinction body / individual: was Foucault the first to make it? Did he coin this expression?

You now often hear people talking about the body where one could say the individual or the people ("les gens" in French). I've found in Foucault's Discipline & punish the following ...
Seb's user avatar
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3 answers

Does a break in consciousness mean a death of personhood?

Descartes famously states, "I exist but how often," In this statement, he assumes that in every instance of consciousness, it is him —- the same self —- that exists. If we conceive of ...
askingquestions's user avatar
2 votes
9 answers

If there are evil acts and intentions, then are there evil people?

I do think that some people behave in evil ways and this is sometimes habitual and involves evil intent. Does that mean there are evil people or do you need to believe in e.g. an evil character (which ...
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1 answer

Is the ideal agent the ideal observer?

Is the ideal agent the ideal observer? Without googling it, I mean the former is the best moral agent, and the latter some meta-ethical (can't recall what meta-ethics) abstraction that judges everyone'...
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-1 votes
2 answers

Isn’t ‘person’ with two personalities technically two people?

Isn’t ‘person’ with the same body and two personalities technically two people? For example, we call conjoined twins two people because they have two personalities.
user284747's user avatar
-1 votes
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View where personal identity is entirely subjective?

We care about our future selves, that is central to our lives, but whether a particular person is my future self or not is completely subjective. For example, in teleportation paradox, you can in ...
Ford F150 Gaming's user avatar
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Is there a difference in philosophy between the term self-consciousness and self-awareness?

I have seen the terms self-aware and self-conscious being used interchangeably in discussions of what distinguishes a person from a conscious animal. Is there a difference of meaning between them? I ...
JohnRC's user avatar
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1 answer

Would Singer believe a person needs to be self-conscious or just conscious? What even is the difference?

In philosophy class, we were given a revision guide that listed philosophers for and against a list of viewpoints. Peter Singer was listed as "for" for the claim that "Consciousness is ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

How does Epictetus define personhood?

In the Enchiridion, Epictetus says: “Our master is anyone who has the power to implement or prevent the things that we want or don’t want. Whoever wants to be free, therefore, should wish for nothing ...
Trade2NobleLife's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does an explanation involving a "person" appeal?

If the common source of the natural order and the karmic order is impersonal, we are still in need of some account of how and why it would be such as to produce these two quite different sorts of ...
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53 votes
14 answers

What is the moral difference between abortion and infanticide?

Many people accept abortion on the grounds that foetuses aren't persons, and that personhood is what defines the right to life. I've always been intrigued about what defines personhood; obviously ...
natojato's user avatar
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What determines a person's gender identity?

I've noticed that when many transgender allies and even some transgender people themselves have their claims investigated that they, in my estimation, can never really answer them too adequately: one ...
OneWhoBelievesInPeace's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

The Immortal Jellyfish

I watched an episode of "The Blacklist" which is a popular show on the TV streaming service Netflix. In the episode, the main character refers to a very tiny marine creature commonly known as the "...
ferris's user avatar
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2 answers

What does the term "ego" really mean?

According to different sources and authors, ego is referred to as one's self-perception by one's self concept. It is sometimes considered as selfishism. But what can a person do that will not refer to ...
Gratien Asimbahwe's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Does a transgender person become a different person after transitioning?

Perhaps this is an odd question, but... Question: Does a transgender person become a different person after transitioning? I'm seeking an answer from a philosophical point of view (hence why I ask ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why am I myself rather than someone else?

Why am I myself rather than someone else? I think I read something like this in an encyclopedia; that it's a question in philosophy. Not asking what makes me myself, my body, psychology, and ...
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