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Questions tagged [philosophical-comparison]

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What's the difference between "good sense" (𝘣𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴) and "common sense"?

What's the difference between "good sense" (Pascal's "bon sens") and "common sense"?
Geremia's user avatar
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What is the difference between "Philosophical Ideas", "Philosophies" and "Philosophical Systems"?

To have a Philosophical Idea, or some Philosophical Ideas, this doesn't mean I am a Philosopher. To be considered as a Philosopher this needs more and more Ideas, in many Topics. Thus, what is the ...
salah's user avatar
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Can anybody list all the religion? Or the most commonly known. Also, what to they practice or follow? [closed]

I want to expend my knowledge toward understanding who I am as a human- being and what I belief in. Sometime I don't fully know where I stand and one way to start that is by simply narrowing down what ...
Therissa Toussaint's user avatar
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Is Karl Gustav Jung a difficult philosopher?

Is the philosophy of Jung more difficult than, for example, Leibniz or Heidegger (both of whom are rather sophisticated) or compared with Aristotle, who is logical as the father of logic? Which book ...
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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What discriminates between these sets? [closed]

It is common in ordinary usage to find a variety of terms referring to the same thing. Sometimes there are inflexions or nuances between them, other times not. Vertically, what discriminates between ...
Willtech's user avatar
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Are there criteria for good philosophy ? If so, what are they ?

My own criterion is maximal coherence. A philosophy which gives most answers that are mutually consistent. This is as far as I can get. I have made the attempt. Can anyone take my endeavour further -...
Mr. Sigma.'s user avatar