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Questions tagged [philosophy-of-economics]

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Resources on the Creation of Economic Value

I'm searching for comprehensive treatises on how the various philosophical traditions see the creation of economic value. The Wikipedia page linked in the comments isn't as exhaustive as I'd like, e.g....
Andrea Nerla's user avatar
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Aristotle's Golden Balance - bad for the economy?

Matt Haig in this quote: “Happiness is not good for the economy. We are encouraged, continually, to be a little bit dissatisfied with ourselves. …To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
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Is Tipping Morally Justifiable?

Those subscribing more to an individualistic rather than cosmopolitan conception of capitalism often make utilitarian claims for justifying the moral practice of tipping. In light of utilitarian ...
Paradox Lost's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as the philosophy of economics, and if so, can I read some texts on it?

I understand that there is a philosophy behind pretty much every science, like philosophy of physics and philosophy of biology. So, what about the philosophy of economics? Is there such a thing, and ...
user107952's user avatar
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Does determinism nullify the science of economics?

The science of economics is based on the assumption that people can make choices. But, for someone like me who believes that the universe is deterministic, this assumption is false, or at least I ...
user107952's user avatar
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Under Marx's Labour Theory of Value, does the amount of utility in use-value affect the value?

Under Marx's LTV, the existence of value relies on use-value, as the commodity which has the value isn't a commodity without the use-value (tangible features of the commodity which give it utility). ...
edelex's user avatar
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Would an efficient simplification of calculus merit an infinite credit allowance (in a credit economy)?

This question is based on the following considerations: There's some Philomena Cunk video out there where she interviews an economist or politician or something, about the 2008 financial catastrophe (...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Economics thought experiment? [closed]

If an artist paints the mona lisa. Can it be bought (capitalism)? Should it be distributed to everyone? (Socialism) or We allow it to inform the value system (like all great art does?) What is the ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is american libertarianism a religion?

It seems to fit definition of religion a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith Which would make it like idol worship, the idol being the market. One could dispute that ...
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What philosophies will support the idea that smarter is better?

Whether its natural or artificial, intelligence is economically expensive for businesses thst need intelligence to provide a good or service (Is AI a good that provides a service?) . Given all the ...
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What is meant by Georg Simmel’s philosophy of money?

I am reading a book about how money works that contains a brief summary of Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money: “Published in 1900, German sociologist Georg Simmel's book The Philosophy of Money looked ...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
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Is this a good argument for why societies tend towards maximum employment?

I have sometimes wondered why, in an age of increasing automation, many societies still have "high" employment. And by "high" I mean over 80%. Why, for example, have not an ...
zooby's user avatar
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Is it morally correct to use inflation to motivate people to buy more and expand the economy? [closed]

In the economy a low inflation rate is always considered not only a good thing, but also necessary to the economic. Because in zero or negative inflation rates people may tend to hold their money and ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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What Does Zizek Mean by Post-Oedipal capitalism?

Zizek says Post-Oedipal capitalism is the dominant system today, and this is in reference to Deleuze and Guattari's work and issue against Freud. From WP: Deleuze and Guattari analyze desire and ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Has the phenomenon of equating two different ideas been studied?

While reading Henry Kissinger's book, Diplomacy, I came across several examples of thinkers conveniently, but constructively (meaning with good intentions), equating one concept with another. The ...
Favst's user avatar
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Arguments against forcing insurance of any kind by a state

Some states force their residents to pay for a broad insurance service often named "national insurance" or "social security"; it doesn't even matter if the subject has private ...
Alkalix's user avatar
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Were there philosophers who claimed that trading is immoral?

In a glimpse this might seem an absurd question because almost anyone anywhere in this world, trades, but, Where there philosophers who claimed that trading is immoral? Who claimed that the very act ...
Alkalix's user avatar
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Could the Praxeology of the ASoE win the battle against the scientist agenda?

Introduction The Austrian School of Economics calls its method praxeology what is considered a branch of philosophy, and considers economics as a branch of philosophy (Rothbard, 2019). The ASoE has ...
Erdel von Mises's user avatar
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Understanding Inflation at philosophical level?

I came across this sentence at random "The Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion (equivalent to about $23 billion in ...
Manish Kumar Singh's user avatar
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Isn't socialism a form of democracy?

When looking at the opposites of socialism, it was pointed out that democracy is an opposite. If socialism is a system advocating that the means of production and distribution be owned or regulated by ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Is socialism only one half of a dichotomy? [closed]

If it is only one half of a dichotomy, you could say the other half is capitalism. But is there a midway between the two? Or are there part socialist, part capitalist philosophies?
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Why do economists say that growth is necessary?

Now I could ask this question on the economics site but I'm afraid it would be closed shortly after. Who dares to question one of its basic principles. As if it's a Natural law. But why should it be ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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Putting together a book list on individual vs collective thinking

I am very interested on comparing the drives to and results from individualist vs collectivist thinking. I'd like about 5-10 books and for them to portray both sides of the argument. So far I have: &...
connor449's user avatar
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Is profiting from stock ownership moral?

When you buy shares of a company, you become its co-owner and are entitled to dividends proportional to your investment. From what I understand, co-ownership is offered simply because it has to be to ...
w128's user avatar
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Is there an ethical difference between taking away and withholding?

Has anyone in contemporary ethics discussed whether or not there is a difference between (1) taking something away (e.g., stealing $100) or withholding something (e.g., refusing to pay $100 of taxes)?
alephmembeth's user avatar
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Kant's disjunctive judgement and neoliberalism

Using the definition of neoliberalism (will not paste here), and Kan't third category being of relation, primarily his disjunctive judgement, hence community, and its application to the notion of ...
Meilton's user avatar
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On capturing the concept of eudaimonia empirically

In recent years, the social sciences have gained traction at painting an empirical picture of ethical concepts that before (albeit not forever) had been treated a-priori. I think of competing theories ...
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What is production [closed]

In ecological economics production means "process of transformation energy/matter into another energy/matter". So What is production in philosophy ?
Dika's user avatar
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Epistemology, Scientific Method and Formal Theory, Economics

Why is Economics considered not to apply the scientific method in its pure form, nor develop scientific theories and how so? Trade and Government policies(For political economics/positive political ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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Philosophical framework for avoiding short-term strategies

In business and politics, often decision-makers make decisions that cause short-term gain, but long-term loss. So economically, this might be an unreasonable (lossy) and thus irrational process. Is ...
tkruse's user avatar
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Is economics a science according to Popperian and Lakatosian standards? [duplicate]

According to Karl Popper's falsification criterion only a falsifiable theory is said to be a scientific theory. If this is true, is Economics falsifiable and hence considered scientific?
Aleesha's user avatar
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Is economics a science?

In class, I made the argument that economics is not science, because it cannot undertake repeatable experiments. Someone rebutted: this would mean that I am ignore an emerging body of work, some by ...
Aleesha's user avatar
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Is there any new concept in Marxism that didn't exist in classical economics?

Surplus value is just economic profit. The organic composition of capital is just the investment rate. Capitalist mode of production is just a verbose way of saying capitalism. Exchange value is price....
user42363's user avatar
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Marxism - primary contradiction of capitalism

After writing a long post, i decided to keep only the summary : I understand that in the marxist framework a mode of production is constituted by : the relations of production the productive forces ...
joseph M'Bimbi-Bene's user avatar
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Is "class culture" an artificial construct or does it have "natural" motivation?

Is "class culture" an artificial construct or does it have "natural" motivation? A lof of things, at least judging by internet, are associated or measured relative to socio-economic class. However, ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Are there objective-criteria for criticizing people's "market behavior"?

Are there objective-criteria for criticizing people's "market behavior"? That is, is there a set of criteria that one can objectively refer to as measuring, whether the "contribution" of a member is ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Multidimensional value money

When I was a kid, I had a feeling that money was not that important, but the majority of people around me kept saying the opposite. So I thought that I just did not understand them. Now that I have ...
Bram E Pramono's user avatar
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How can laissez-faire capitalism not turn to corporatocracy?

An idea of corporatocracy (pretty dystopian) exists in some movies and videogames. Typically huge corporations ar epresented as having own armies and those armies can force citizens do their work. We ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Authors on the Business of Philosophy and the Philosopher's ego

In a capitalistic society every human experience is susceptible of becoming a business, eg. the business of beauty, sex, art, justice, health, education, journalism, emotions and psychology, ...
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Is the notion of a meritocracy inherently unethical and/or paradoxical?

Wikipedia says, Meritocracy (merit, from Latin mereō, and -cracy, from Ancient Greek κράτος kratos "strength, power") is a political philosophy which holds that certain things, such as economic ...
Bozaoo's user avatar
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For those who have read-and understood- "Living Currency" by Pierre Klossowski

The essay/book contains the following paragraph: "The manufactured object, as opposed to (natural) useful goods, though it may still hold some habitual meaning (for instance depending on how metals ...
Ethan NOPE's user avatar
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It is posible a Resourced Based Economy? [closed]

When I refer to a resource-based economy, I refer to the proposal of the groups of The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project
Darwin's user avatar
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Scenario in which society is better off by someone breaking a rule?

Suppose there is some rule in some social setting/scenario where society (or a relevant smaller set of people) is/are better off when some people violate it. Specifically, we have that (where '>' ...
pafnuti's user avatar
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What did Karl Marx mean by "revolutionary combination due to association"?

In "The Communist Manifesto", it is said that: "The advance of industry, whose involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the laborers, due to competition, by the ...
mil's user avatar
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What's the purpose of economics / How is economics useful to humans? [closed]

What is the purpose of economics? By purpose I mean having a purpose in a similar sense that eating and producing food has a purpose for survival. What does economics produce? How does it help ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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What is Money, (not money)?

Money plays a major role in our experience and I find that very few people explore the idea of what it is. This question concerns Form. Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally ...
Ronnie Smith's user avatar
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Will automation emancipate us from labour?

In the The Human Condition, Arendt writes: The danger that the modern age's emancipation of labour will not only fail to usher in an age of freedom for all but will result, on the contrary, in ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Where does Adorno find this quote of Marx?

In Negative Dialectics, Adorno quotes Marx as saying: even if a society has found a natural law of motion - and the present works ultimate goal is to unveil the law of modern society economic motion -...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Marxism and Capitalism as a Schism

Is it possible to see Marxism and Capitalism as a kind of ideological schism, in the same way, say we have a schism between Protestatism & Catholicism in Christianity, and between Sunni & ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Does capitalism have an end goal?

Occasionally I find that things such as "incentives" in a capitalist economy are as if they would be directed to a certain outcome or certain outcomes. E.g. that profit incentives matter only in so ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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