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Is this a good model for how people coexist with each other?

A model for how people coexist with each other. I recently read these two books by David Graeber and I've been dipping lightly into related topics of philosophy and sociology. Debt: The First 5,000 ...
Chris Quenelle's user avatar
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Where exactly did the conceptual distinction between "personal property" and "private property" originate?

In popular online discussions of socialism, anarchism and/or Marxism a distinction is often made between "personal property" (possessions used by individuals for personal consumption) and &...
Brian Z's user avatar
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Is there a term/name of thought experiment about what constitutes the act of "giving something away"?

This was inspired by the old "strange interview question" of "What would you do if you were given an elephant, and you could not give it away?" What constitutes "Giving ...
SchrodingersStat's user avatar
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What does it mean for two properties of objects to be of the same class (or even identical)?

For people adhering to a realist ontology, what does it mean for you to say that a property p of an object of species a, and a property q of an object b are of the same class, or even that are ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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What is the terminology to qualify things that are not reduced when shared (ideas vs physical objects)?

Is there a defined terminology to refer to things: Which gets "reduced" when shared: for example if I have 2 apples and I give you one, now I have one apple Which stays the same when shared:...
Vincent's user avatar
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Can an Inalienable Object be Possessed by two People? [closed]

For example, say John was in a terrible accident and had his hand was severed, he has his hand replaced by a donor hand that comes from James. Normally, in the English Language, we could consider ...
Connor's user avatar
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Are there any non-Anarcho/Communist/Socialist doctrines that advocate the abolition of land property?

I have, in the last years, developed the somewhat controversial opinion that land property (not necessarily private property tout court) is the root of all evil. Without going too deep into whether ...
Poisoned Meatball's user avatar
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Possible readings of ownership and accidents in Thus spoke Zarathustra

In the beginning of the third part of "Thus spoke Zarathustra" there is a paragraph about accidents that befall oneself (german: Zufall) and ownership: The time is now past when ...
Marlo's user avatar
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What is the definition of a property?

What is the definition of a property? Like, for example, "that apple has the property of being red". I know that properties aren't the same thing as sets. But what are they, exactly?
user107952's user avatar
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How do the authors show that arguments based on property rights can't be used to determine the wrongness of rape in Gardner's paper?

In "The Wrongness of Rape" by Gardner and Shute, (section 3: Infringing the proprietor's rights), what do the authors mean when they say that The analogies between rape and burglary here ...
Akash Agrawal's user avatar
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Question on the "Property of an Object" and the "Action of an Object" (+the "State of an Object")

I have confronted a philosophical problem related to the definition of the "property of an object." What I believe is: The capability of an object (the capability to desire) is the property of an ...
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Productive Forces vs. Conditions of Bourgeois Property

In The Communist Manifesto, page 331 of the 2002/2014 Penguin Edition, Marx and Engels write; "The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the ...
october's user avatar
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Should a believer in property rights not move out into the woods?

People who oppose any sort of property right infringement believe that what they own, they own, because they have acquired it in totality through their own actions and means, and thus they have zero ...
Dameo's user avatar
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Does a person own his/her body?

To be more specific, i was wondering about the legal aspect of the issue. Does a person own his/her body? If not, who owns it? If yes, then can a person sell themselves into slavery? Prostitution? ...
Yurii Khalaim's user avatar
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Locke's labor theory of property and population growth

I have a very rudimentary understanding of Locke's labor theory of property. The key argument is expressed in Chapter 5 of Book II of the Two Treatises of Government: Though the earth, and all ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Hegel and private property

Did Hegel concern private property as a natural right as liberals did? I know that Hegel talked about private property in Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences describing it as an abstract ...
Dipok's user avatar
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