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What's the relation of semiotics to cybernetics?

I was looking at the wiki page of Jakob Johann von Uexküll where I saw a diagram that resembled a simple feedback model of cybernetics. What's the relation of semiotics to cybernetics?
GEP's user avatar
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What is difference between semiotics and memetics?

A long time ago, in High School, I was interested in meaning of symbols. Recently when I read "The Selfish Gene" I starting reading up on memetics and I encountered semiotics criticism of memetics ...
Maja Piechotka's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How do we understand and fix reference for scientific units of measure?

Saul Kripke provides us with a clear way of how we understand and use names in Naming and Necessity. While this solves the problem of how we attribute and understand proper names an interesting ...
Mr. Mcnut's user avatar