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Anthology of texts on semiotics

It might be rather unusual question but I'm looking for a book that I once saw several years ago. It was a multivolume anthology of texts on semiotics. I remember that there were some Peirce and ...
ykes's user avatar
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Are there in-depth theories of parentheses? [closed]

For example, mustache-emphasized set theories might be styled theories of parenthetical inclusion, extralogical in nature (so something like pairing conjunction with intersection and inclusive ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Looking for Marxist or Frankfurt-style critiques of advertising

There is undoubtedly a great deal of cultural criticism of advertising, but I'm looking for a certain angle on the topic. For Marx, the commodity is the primary "atom" of capitalist society ...
Nelson Alexander's user avatar
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Enantiodromia--How Do Symbols Undergo an Inversion of Meaning?

I am looking for writings in philosophy, semiotics, or psychology that deal with the shifts and ultimately the inversion of practical meaning in symbols. This would be something like Orwell's concept ...
Nelson Alexander's user avatar
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Looking for an essay on what it means for a philosopher to repudiate their earlier work

I read an essay some time ago about what it means for an author to declare that their prior work seems 'false' or 'misleading.' The essayist wanted to make some point, IIRC, about how it is not the ...
the_Pseudopoet's user avatar
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References for the study of language

I'm looking for (not too difficult too read) references related to Semiotics Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Linguistics I mainly seek the understanding of ideas about the relation between ...
Boris's user avatar
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Did Confucius say "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws"?

It is claimed here that Confucius said: Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. Is this true? If so, in what work did he say this?
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