Questions tagged [social-critique]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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US and Europe social differences based on philosophical views

(English is not my native language so I probably won't be able correctly to express the question... please bear with me). From time to time, I've heard or read that some of the social differences one ...
user180940's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the relationship between conceptual engineering and social change?

I am currently doing research on the relationship between projects in conceptual engineering and actual, realized, social change. Of primary interest to me is how, for instance, Haslanger's ...
Mr. Zed's user avatar
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Does Critical Theories (CRT, Queer Studies etc.) come from the Frankfurt school or post-modernism?

I know post colonial studies which is a critical theory began with Orientalism which uses Foucault's concept of discourse. But also Frankfurt School is widely credited with finding critical theory ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Philosophy of social motivations

There is a certain philosophy that social status seeking motivations stand in opposition to finding out the truth. A social-status-motivated person will look first at status markers on arguments, ...
causative's user avatar
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What comes after capitalism?

Many social philosophers have expressed a desire to end capitalism as the dominant mode of production. However, I take it as an unavoidable fact of nature that labor of some form is necessary. Humans, ...
Joa's user avatar
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