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Layperson's interpretation of Marxism, communism, socialism [closed]

Disclaimer: I have distributed this across multiple Reddit subs but no valid counter-arguments. TL;DR I haven't read Marx, the communist manifesto, or Marxist dogma-fueled commie guidebooks. But I ...
Han Moe Htet's user avatar
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The split from Christianity to socialism and liberalism [duplicate]

It appears that from Christianism there was a split between those who decided to emphasize the Christian idea of charity (love) (like Thomas More, Meslier, Saint-Simon, Cabet, Polanyi), which gave ...
Starckman's user avatar
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The split from Christianity to socialism and liberalism

It appears that from Christianism there was a split between those who decided to emphasize the Christian idea of charity (love) (like Thomas More, Meslier, Saint-Simon, Cabet, Polanyi), which gave ...
Starckman's user avatar
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What is the Economic Orientation of Hegel? Is he a Capitalist, Socialist, or Communist?

What is the Economic Orientation of Hegel? Is he a Capitalist, Socialist or Communist? What is his point of view regarding commerce, and principal of supply and demand? What is his point of view ...
SalahAlhariri's user avatar
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Where exactly did the conceptual distinction between "personal property" and "private property" originate?

In popular online discussions of socialism, anarchism and/or Marxism a distinction is often made between "personal property" (possessions used by individuals for personal consumption) and &...
Brian Z's user avatar
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Ethics of involuntary participation in an unethical hegemony

If you're an anticapitalist in the West or Global North you're an unwilling participant in the prevailing hegemony (capitalism), but usually without much choice. You can't find shelter without ...
thosphor's user avatar
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What are the differences between Socialism and Altruism? Why do people confuse socialism with altruism? [closed]

I need to find fundamental differences which separates socialism from altruism. I know that it is easy to confuse socialism with altruism, because socialism demands absolute equality and elimination ...
Michael16's user avatar
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2 answers

How can one reconcile individual and social interests?

The conflict between the interests of an individual and those of a group/society plays on many levels: Economic relations It can be framed as a conflict between liberalism/individualism and socialism....
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Institutions under anarchist society

Respecting a society to be created through fulfilling objectives identified by (left-wing) anarchists, in what sense, if any, would such a society include institutions, and how would institutions, in ...
brainchild's user avatar
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1 answer

Durkheim's stance on socialism

I am aware that Émile Durkheim was by no means unaware of socialist thought, nor unwilling to comment on it, throughout his varied works. Plainly, topics of central concern to Durkheim appear to be ...
brainchild's user avatar
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How did Crowley envision welfare?

Aleister Crowley wrote We should have no compunction in utilizing the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. We do not insist on trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look ...
JacobIRR's user avatar
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5 answers

Isn't socialism a form of democracy?

When looking at the opposites of socialism, it was pointed out that democracy is an opposite. If socialism is a system advocating that the means of production and distribution be owned or regulated by ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Is it moral get free benefits from a country and then leave it for a better life?

There is an article about movies. It mentions an actress from the former Soviet Union who was denounced by some communist for playing a role in the wrong western movie. He says: The Soviet Union gave ...
R S's user avatar
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Would Marx have seen Socialism as a stage in a historical process towards Communism?

I have the impression from my (limited, autodidactic) reading of Marx that he was antagonistic towards various forms of Socialism, criticizing Socialists for being (among other things) piecemeal ...
Kev Sepia's user avatar
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Is anarcho-socialism an oxymoron?

I have regularly heard debate between anarcho-socialists and anarcho-capitalists about which one is the true oxymoron. If we take anarcho-socialism to mean no government and economic equality (+ ...
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3 answers

The Effects of Marx's Moral Character on Communism

I recently read Paul Johnson's "Intellectuals" which includes a scourging critique of Karl Marx and his work. Surprisingly, it focused on Marx's own personality along with his many vices, ...
Mike M's user avatar
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6 answers

What's the name of the "God creates Evil" fallacy?

I see this fallacy everywhere, from anti-Christians to Socialists/Communists. It goes like this: "if God exists, then why did He make all this Evil?" Another example: "the baker, by baking bread and ...
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5 votes
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What is the difference between 'socialism' and 'communism'?

I frequently hear about these two different concepts. What is the fundamental difference between them? Is there any religion in this world which had ever tried to establish social equality before ? ...
Mihir's user avatar
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Why is liberalism sometimes portrayed as an enemy to socialism?

Why is liberalism sometimes portrayed as an enemy to socialism? Without specifying particular strains of liberalism or socialism. But one can discover references, where liberalism is seen almost ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Who Are the Most Prominent Modern Socialist Thinkers?

Who Are The Ten Most Prominent Modern Socialist Thinkers? (Big Tent: Social Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc. are all acceptable).
Nathan William Fryzek's user avatar
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Couple of questions on Bernard Bolzano's philosophy of state

I read a summary of Bolzano's political views and his philosophy of the "best" state, and I have 3 questions - A) was Bolzano heavily influenced by the USA? His line of thought for some of his ideas ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
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What did Karl Marx mean by "revolutionary combination due to association"?

In "The Communist Manifesto", it is said that: "The advance of industry, whose involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the laborers, due to competition, by the ...
mil's user avatar
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Are there any flaws in reasoning that collectivism can apply within a capitalist economy?

This question has more to do with ideology then philosophy but something seems off in terms of logic. The Oxford dictionary defines collectivism as: "The practice or principle of giving a group ...
James P.'s user avatar
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6 answers

Given Marx's original theory of alienation, why is he interpreted as being anti-individualist?

In a video discussion (starting at 0:59:48), Massimo Pigliucci says that he doesn't like Marx's theory of society because it reduces humans to social insects, devoid of individualism. Similarly, ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
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Was Marx an antisemite?

Marx wrote about Jews quite a bit, despite having Jewish blood or ancestors. Was Marx an antisemite?
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Is an Anarchosocialist a philosophical term or a political term?

I heard the term used by Noam Chomsky to describe himself. Is this his own term or a mash up. Came very late to philosophy, and I see possible links to the under pinnings of Anarchism and Socialism.
Vincent Ashley's user avatar