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Questions tagged [socialism]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The split from Christianity to socialism and liberalism

It appears that from Christianism there was a split between those who decided to emphasize the Christian idea of charity (love) (like Thomas More, Meslier, Saint-Simon, Cabet, Polanyi), which gave ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Couple of questions on Bernard Bolzano's philosophy of state

I read a summary of Bolzano's political views and his philosophy of the "best" state, and I have 3 questions - A) was Bolzano heavily influenced by the USA? His line of thought for some of his ideas ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
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What is the Economic Orientation of Hegel? Is he a Capitalist, Socialist, or Communist?

What is the Economic Orientation of Hegel? Is he a Capitalist, Socialist or Communist? What is his point of view regarding commerce, and principal of supply and demand? What is his point of view ...
SalahAlhariri's user avatar