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Questions tagged [society]

Society in general refers to a group of people who have distinctive cultural relations and institutions sharing the same territory. These organised groups of people associate for some specific purpose or on account of some common interest. Usually, they provide protection, security, continuity and a national identity for its members.

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10 votes
7 answers

What is opinion?

It is commonly agreed that there is a clear distinction between fact and opinion. Physical facts can be verified. Opinion varies and may be based on faith. But what about opinions which, over time, ...
Meanach's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

The McDonald's Option

A group of co-workers at GeneraCorp Inc. have just finished their regular mandatory Thursday morning training session. This week featured a two-hour discussion on how to use the new printers, ...
Brad's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What will be the moral and social consequences of knowing that the universe is deterministic? [duplicate]

A deterministic universe in theory where observing every interaction between particles in the universe would allow you to predict the future. A deterministic universe will be the one without any free ...
Rajdeep's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Positive Freedom v. Negative Freedom: a binary or a spectruum?

I got interested in this question when I realized that, on one hand, some people who disagree with me (and argue for mean ideas) are fond of this distinction and, on the other hand, my ideas and that ...
user50793's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Does the notion of "moral progress" presuppose the existence of an objective moral standard?

Consider two societies: Society A, which rejects homosexuality, opposes abortion, and endorses slavery, and Society B, which embraces sexual diversity, supports women's right to choose, and rejects ...
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7 votes
3 answers

What's the term for "attributing to a subgroup what's true of the whole"?

I'm searching for a term or word that might not exist. Here's what I'm trying to label: The tendency of us humans to attribute to a subgroup what's true of the whole. Or the act of doing so. ...
filiph's user avatar
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10 votes
8 answers

Why try to explain the unexplainable?

A lot of the questions that show up here are about trying to break open some or other old idea that seems unfounded and trying to 'explain' it in terms of something else that is also unfounded, but ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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6 votes
10 answers

How to save oneself from this particular angst?

This question relates to the angst depicted in the movie Annie Hall, when the younger version of Woody Allen's character feels demotivated about life when he realizes that the universe is expanding. ...
Varun Immanuel's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Are the justifications of an irrational society false?

I was reading a bit about Horkheimer, and at various times he claims that capitalist society is not rational, that society limits rational critique of reason, and that something in them should rebel ...
andrós's user avatar
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0 answers

Does the last man hate work?

Does the last man hate work? This probably strikes the site as a facile question, but Zarathustra does seem to end with beginning his work, and the last man has lost the capacity to hate himself (that'...
andrós's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is my existence contingent in experiences of nausea, and if so what is authenticity?

The feeling of nausea that Roquentin, the main character of Sartre’s novel, famously experienced in a public garden while obsessively watching a chestnut tree, accounts for his sensitivity to the ...
andrós's user avatar
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5 votes
9 answers

Is it rational for heterosexuals to be proud that they were born heterosexual? [closed]

Throughout my life, I have often heard from individuals in our nation's news organizations, from those in Academia, from local/state/federal government officials, from corporate human resources ...
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0 votes
0 answers

Is reputation an end in itself beyond merely being a means for success in society?

Is reputation an end in itself? I don't think it is, though it may be intrinsic (I have a good reputation for some things and not relative to other people, though perhaps not what I have done). Any ...
andrós's user avatar
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0 answers

is there a civic and/or moral duty or obligation for one to be an 'active citizen in a democracy'? [closed]

reading a post on daily nous the other day, i saw the comment by columbia college chicago professor s. asma that students cannot just learn about game design and digital editing, and not learn about ...
ac15's user avatar
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4 answers

In a democratic society, should governments be allowed to pay for or fund artistic/cultural works and performances using taxpayers' money?

Especially considering that aesthetic criteria are essentially individual matters, and that certain works and performances may be regarded as offensive by some part of society There is also a ...
ac15's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the responsibilities of humans towards nature and human race?

An individual has to carry out various duties and fulfill the responsibilities on various levels. I tried to figure out some possible roles humans play. I believe this is an exhaustive list (if I ...
Junsui's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What explains the observation that grocery store check-out lines are oscillatory? [closed]

I have been spending some time sitting in a shopping center, and I have noticed a weird pattern. There is always one cash register open. When one person arrives at the cash register, many others ...
Oneprime's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How do we know we are all not 'crazy'? Is number and context the only thing that defines our indication/sense of 'normalcy'?

I stumble upon this question after reading this Wikipedia article, which I find very intriguing: The laughter epidemic began on days averaging around 7 days. After reading that article I went through ...
How why e's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How do we determine what freedoms people should have, and how does that process account for taboos, not just consent?

Why does consent matter, if taboo does not? Suppose more or less everyone agrees that incest or cannibalism is wrong, in what way is that thinner than the parties involved agreeing? Is it some kind of ...
andrós's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

Is it true that a technological society has to weaken family ties and local communities if it is to function efficiently?

From The Unabomber Manifesto by Ted Kaczynski: The breakdown of traditional values to some extent implies the breakdown of the bonds that hold together traditional small-scale social groups. The ...
Nitin Sheokand's user avatar
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According to the theory of structural functionalism, what causes social disequilibrium?

I understand that the basic premise of structural functionalism is that social institutions serve the function of maintaining social stability and promoting social solidarity, but I don't understand ...
Jude Zambarakji's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Is reality a "societal construct"? [closed]

What does it mean to say reality actually exists? Is it a product of society? If time - the fourth dimension is a societal construct, then shouldn't reality also be one?
Anirudh Vijai Rao's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Does anyone talk about a will for others to see themselves?

Does anyone talk about a will for others to see themselves? I'm being a little ambiguous, I'm sure, but am trying to give up on phrases like "good" and "evil" as well as the will ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Is our current explosive rate of technological progression because we do science faster and easier OR it is simply happening due to unknown timing?

I often wonder if we are progressing so quickly because we are much more capable than our 18th century natural philosophers ancestors at doing science or we are just living in a period of rapid growth ...
Max's user avatar
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0 answers

Regarding classifications of elites

There seem to be two types of elite in general society. There is the elite whose privileges and responsibilities are roughly proportional (such as doctors), and then there are elites whose privileges ...
Critical Mass's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Live in stochastic harmony with your environment

Let's assume you are in the following situation: You have to decide between two Paths A and B. You know for sure that exactly one path has a return of 1, the other 0. You also know that A has the ...
Hansebenger's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Does every nation on Earth have a right to exist or do only peaceful nations have a right to exist?

I have been wondering lately as to what it is that gives every nation on Earth the right to exist. Throughout human history, at any point in time, the Earth has been a mixed bag of nations that were ...
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0 votes
2 answers

Would Karl Marx have been for or against workers having the choice to work from home?

I have been wondering lately if Karl Marx would have been for or against workers having the choice to work from home. I only have a general knowledge of who Karl Marx was and about his overall ...
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0 votes
0 answers

What is Kant's opinion on gossip?

Just curious this evening what Kant and other, contemporary, deontologists say about gossip. I don't mean deliberate lies, but a certain attitude to truth and truth telling in which both the ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is "high art"? [closed]

Does the difference with low art still matter, and is high art not merely socially sanctioned by class but superior to low art, to the extent of the latter being an embarrassing mistake? Feel free to ...
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2 votes
3 answers

Is everyone's sense of power always predicated on diminishing that of someone else's? [closed]

Why think that everyone's sense of power always predicated on diminishing that of someone else's, and is it the case? I think the question isn't a trivial "no reason to think it". power ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there a consensus that cultural, erotic, social capital exists and can be bought with each other and economic capital?

Is there a consensus that cultural, erotic, social capital exists and can be bought with each other and economic capital? This was the basis of the great British class survey, and differing ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the name of sociological phenomena where selfish behavior of each individual leads to losses for all of them?

I am trying to identify a specific sociological phenomena which seems pretty obvious to me that it is well known and studied but after quite of googling, its name remains elusive - I'm just not ...
i_prob_should_know_this's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is the task of philosophy to reduce fear?

There seems little contemporary work on 'fear'. I certainly couldn't see anything which gave it such important a role. But Fear, in the Ethics, seems to be government’s most valuable means of ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reference request for philosophical texts on race

Is there even such a thing as the philosophy of race, or race viewed from a philosophical point of view? If so, I would like to read some references on the philosophy of race. I would be very ...
user107952's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it unbiased to value social freedom more than scientific results

Is it unbiased or impersonal if we don't want to change our society towards what is right based on research into the biological grounding of psychology? Say that scientists found that (a) the concept ...
Ram Angelo Caceres's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Did any philosophers defend Slave Morality?

I think slave morality creates a peaceful society and Master morality would be negative for most people. To restrain ambition and desire is one of the reasons mankind have survived so long. But slave ...
Barumplel's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

Two ways of thinking about social reality (progressive/fluid vs conservative/structure)

Regarding topics on biological sex, gender, sexual orientation and relationships it seems there are broadly 2 ways of thinking about social reality (roughly corresponding to more progressive and more ...
rcphilosophy's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

To what extent can philosophical discipline permeate into normal life, e.g. the abortion debate?

As just one example of public debate where emotions run high: The abortion debate in the USA seems to be hopelessly polarised. My rational approach would include: Consider the safety health of the ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Confucianism and other cultures/peoples

Are there considerations and reflections about other cultures and peoples (than Confucianism and confucianist societies) in Confucianism? For instance concerning the kind of relationship a ...
Starckman's user avatar
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4 answers

Philosophers answering "what happens to a society that does not believe in free wıll?"

The Scientific American article, What Happens to a Society That Does Not Believe in Free Wıll?, looks to answer the question from a research perspective and The clockwork universe: is free will an ...
OrigamiEye's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What do Marx and Marxists say about the role of bureaucracy in socialism?

By bureaucracy, I mean that important state decisions are made by officials elected at best by their own party. Does Marx approve of this? Do any Marxists not approve of it?
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the importance of intellectuals in shaping the society and the world? [closed]

What is the importance of intellectuals and intellectual thought in influencing the worldviews and beliefs of people, in shaping society and the world?
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I agree to what I do not allow the sovereign?

Suppose we enter a social contract to bring about some power Social contract arguments typically are that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What are the arguments against modern technology, medicine and society? [closed]

In today's society, manual tasks have become automated. Digital communication devices have connected people across the globe. Medications and surgeries have lessened symptoms of illnesses, delayed ...
ActualCry's user avatar
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Is it morally wrong to deny food to the mother in this specific case?

A women has two sons, A and B. The son A has denied to keep her, take care of hers and give her food. The woman strongly loves Son A but not Son B. So, she decides to stay at Son A for most of the ...
Rony's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it ethical to impose ethical values on others? [closed]

The question is motivated by reading the discussions on veganism: Is 'veganism' a settled issue in Philosophy and Ethics? Why is it okay to eat meat but not to be cruel to animals? While these threads ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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4 votes
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What topics of philosophy should I study to understand the dialectics of societies?

I am new to this site, it will be really helpful if you can help me with tags. I live in an area which is a socially, morally and intellectually very backward part of the world, although materially ...
Ben's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Is gender sex-based, socially constructed or both? [closed]

Does the mere existence of intersex people (and people with 1 XX chromosomes, for example XXY) destroy the claim that gender is based on biological sex? Can this be considered a valid exception, and ...
Cris's user avatar
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Is evil neccessary to society?

Despite attempts to improve the world around us, evil continues to exist. What may come off as incredulous to someone wants to do no harm, may be reasonable to the people doing immoral actions. Take ...
DdogBoss's user avatar
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