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6 votes
6 answers

Absolute Truth in Mathematics

Often in philosophical discussions, the concept of absolute truth will be proposed in a metaphysical manner that supposes supreme authority and the absence of exceptions to rules regardless of context....
Tony's user avatar
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0 votes
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Choosing to believe unfalsifiable hypotheses because of their consequences

Say there are two, mutually exclusive hypotheses A and B. Both are unfalsifiable with current knowledge and technology, but lead to starkly different ontologies. Now say I find the logical ...
Andrea's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to define a number [closed]

What is the positive real number (say less than one) that is not a rational nor an irrational number? I have encountered a mathematical problem that confused me about the definition of real numbers,...
Bassam Karzeddin's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why do we tend towards discretizing things around and within us?

Why do we tend towards discretizing things around and within us? Do our senses (for space and time) fool us into this notion all the way into the need for discretizing abstractions themselves, e.g. An ...
val's user avatar
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