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5 votes
3 answers

According to Popper, what is logical positivism's role in scientific ethics?

What are the arguments for and against this? Any resources that are easy to read would help
Cygni P's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why is "re-evaluating all values" necessary to become an Übermensch?

From previous answers it became clear to me that Nietzsche did not think that there has been any Übermensch yet. He identified Goethe as a person that has overcome and disciplined himself to advance ...
DK2AX's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Does anyone say that for some things to be fake just means that those things are not good?

Does anyone say that for some things to be fake just means that those things are not good? Sorry for the very convoluted sounding question, some brief background might help? I remember a snippet from ...
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4 votes
2 answers

"No one is evil/guilty". Anyone who held this position?

What I mean is that no one deserves punishment. Each time someone is imprisoned or punished in different ways, it is not a win, but always a loss. In particular, lack of technology. In particular, ...
rus9384's user avatar
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Was Nietzsche against hedonism?

At first, I think there is a difference between utilitarianism and hedonism in that first assumes some kind of utility which can be calculated and last simply puts that it's natural (we are not here ...
rus9384's user avatar
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4 answers

Is value purely based on preference?

To me, value seems like just an arbitrary concept we attach to things based off of how positively or negatively they currently/eventually will effect us. Since whether or not things can be positive or ...
Tobias Ethercroft's user avatar
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2 answers

Why should life have any more value than death? [closed]

When I die, I won't enter eternity, as my concept of eternity has to come from a conscious being. When I am dead I am not conscious, therefore not only will I not be able to conceptualize eternity, ...
Tobias Ethercroft's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does moral anti-realism preclude anyone from being a better judge of value?

It seems to me that moral anti-realism, by which I mean the view that no judgments of intrinsic value are true, implies that nothing is intrinsically better or worse. Does this preclude the idea ...
user's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a philosophical description or analogy for the concept that it is better to be a master of one trade than a jack of all trades?

I am wondering if any philosophers have described this concept. For example, if you wanted to get into music school, it would be better to master one instrument than try to get good at two instruments....
Edmond's user avatar
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0 answers

Do Nietzsche's values justify some actions?

Do Nietzsche's values justify some actions? I'm asking because if so then my entirely trivial, or at least unfocused, appropriation of his ideas can be easily made more elegant, or at least more ...
user's user avatar
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0 answers

Instrumentalist value theory. Is it morally nihilistic? Is it science?

I could not give a better name for this theory, so I call it "Instrumentalist value theory". According to this theory nothing is intrinsically valuable. Nothing and no one can be treated as ends, but ...
rus9384's user avatar
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3 answers

Can philosophy say that these precepts are wrong?

If we take the ambiguous nature[1] (in its current form) of the sixth commandment... Thou shalt not kill ...we must remember that Jesus instructed his followers to forgive[2], that none are ...
Willtech's user avatar
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1 answer

Does "intrinsic" mean independently of anything else?

I believe that 'intrinsic' quality has, in some sense, itself as its origin. E.g. The intrinsic value of something is said to be the value that that thing has “in itself,” or “for its own sake,” ...
anon's user avatar
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Question about the relationship between matter and value

Seems most or all of our expressions of material things are stated in various values--36' long, 120 volts, .192mm diameter, etc. Does this suggest the possibility that matter is just value, i.e., ...
Blake's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can political philosophy and moral philosophy differ in the context of moral limits on the market?

When I ask this question, I'm specifically referencing ideas posited by theorists like Michael Sandel (The Tanner Lectures - What Money Can't Buy), Elizabeth Anderson (The Ethical Limitations of the ...
xxWallflower's user avatar
0 votes
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Is coherence a fact or value, a la Hillary Putnam?

Is there a collapse between fact and values? Are they the same thing or not? See the essay: Where Putnam states: So far, what I have ...
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10 votes
6 answers

What are some arguments for why lives are valuable?

In ethics, the idea that lives, in and of themselves, are valuable (with a complete disregard of the consequences that followed from that life) is often used to prove some point, but the claim that ...
GundoGan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Ethical values according to Polanyi

What role do (ethical) values have in science according to Polanyi and Kuhn? How does Polanyi define tacit knowledge and what view would Popper and Kuhn have on tacit knowledge?
syedcph's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What role do values have in science according to Popper?

I have read a lot about Popper but I still can not answer. What is the role of values in Popper's philosophy? What role do they have in science according to Popper?
syedcph's user avatar
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Can Nietzsche's "will to power" make a person's life meaningful?

People seem to find some sort of "meaning" in Nietzsche. My question is, more specifically, can someone's "will to power" make their life meaningful, according to him? Does Nietzsche address anywhere ...
anon's user avatar
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2 answers

What are some arguments for the metaphysical specialty of life or consciousness

There are certain people who consider conscious beings or "life", however that is define, to be important in the sense that there is some form of intrinsic value in them or that they are axiomatically ...
user289661's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Are values dominant behaviours of a society, or are they personal?

My lecturer told me: "Values are the dominant behaviours and beliefs of a society or a group" and that values have nothing to do with individuals. But then on other sites I have read things such ...
K-Feldspar's user avatar
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2 answers

Does anyone claim that absolute or in itself value (in Kant's senses) must be about something which exists?

Do these sorts of value depend on the valuable thing existing? I'm asking just because I'm suspicious of valuable things which do not always exist, and want to (eventually) find the terminology for ...
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7 votes
3 answers

How can one objectivley measure the nobility or value of a given pursuit?

John Stuart Mill famously said: It is quite compatible with the principle of utility to recognise the fact, that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others. It would ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What is the relationship between qualia and the fact/value dichotomy

Has anyone examined the relationship between qualia and the fact/value dichotomy? Consider a functional description of pain: Those who disagree with functionalism, typically do so because it leaves ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

What is the philosophical value of cultural diversity?

A personal question: As an Arab-American, I try to maintain my children's ties to Arab culture and the Arabic language, going out of my way to make sure that they speak Arabic fluently, and sending ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

If it's impossible to separate science from metaphysics, is it is also impossible to separate science from ethics and values?

One of the most important results in philosophy of science is that every observation is "theory-laden", i.e. that the outcome of any scientific experiment is affected by the theoretical ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why are equality and fairness valued so highly?

Some philosophies, such as Egalitarianism, highly value equality and fairness. My question is, why? What is so great about equality and fairness? For example, the Soviet Union was much more equal ...
Christopher King's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can there be a unidirectional value system?

I tried to make a point about language on another SE site and it flopped. So I realized that I was focusing on an idea of having two-valued assessment: good and bad. What if we did away with this ...
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1 vote
6 answers

Is Selfishness ethical or unethical? [closed]

I have always seen people first care for themselves and then for others. On the contrary, it doesn't seem wrong as self-interest is indispensable. But is acting for own interest and not caring about ...
user99's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What does Marx mean by "value form"?

I've been reading some recent books that refer to money as the "value form" in Marx. In English translation, Marx does use the term "value form" and also refers to commodities as "values," in the ...
Nelson Alexander's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

What does Pirsig mean by "Quality"?

I just finished reading Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which I understand to be a popular-yet-important book for those looking to enter the realm of philosophical ...
daOnlyBG's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Why do rational beings care about the dead?

Anthropologists tell us that home sapiens are concerned about "others," even after they die. In settled (as opposed to nomadic) societies this concern seems to catalyze beliefs, rituals, and ...
Nelson Alexander's user avatar