There is a reason for qualia, i.e. it serves a critical purpose. Due to the nature of certain cognitive data, it must be 'experienced.' It cannot be properly processed by blind non-conscious cognition. So the brain stops processing and invokes qualia. For example, pain serves an important function. Quite often, the brain is unable to protect the body from physical damage without invoking consciousness. CIPA patients suffer from self-inflicted harm to their oral cavity (tongue damage) and to their extremities because they do not perceive pain (qualia). The key point here is that the qualia 'pain' forces an urgent motor response promptly without dependence on slow and error prone cognitive interpretation. So some incoming cognitive processing is halted and terminated with qualia. Qualia becomes the interface of input to output (efferent to afferent). That leaves qualia being invoked for a subset of all cognitive data. Much input becomes output without invocation of qualia. The criteria is that qualia controls motor output when cognition cannot stimulate a critical motor response. Conscious impetus works well because it is outside of cognitive control and so it is not subject to the latency or data errors of cognition. I personally believe that in spite of all the forms it takes, qualia is largely (maybe entirely) pain and pleasure. By analogy, horses come in endless colors and patterns that all arise from two color genes, red and black. Qualia serves as the core motivating force for our mission critical actions. The primary deep purpose again is related to timing and purity of the signal. Our brain cannot take certain speedy and decisive actions (when needed) without invoking qualia. As a complementary purpose achieving the same end, the same qualia may be viewed as highly pruned data. By revealing only the key items through qualia, lots of irrelevant data is discarded. Qualia may then also be viewed as a lens that reveals the critical narrative, just as a camera lens essentially filters data and ultimately only passes a relatively small portion to a sensor. So with this hypothesis, pleasure and pain are fundamental extra-cognitive, extra-physical events. To feel is to somehow non-physically cause.