1. Here is the link of the [UN-Declaration of Human Rights][1] from 1948. And here is a selection of the members of the [Drafting Committee][2]. 2. I cannot recognize that the UN-Declaration or the members of the committee show a bias in favour of Western domination. It would be interesting to colour in the world map those countries which have signed the UNO-declaration. Where remain white spots and why? 3. Concerning the role of Humans rights in the current philosophical debate see https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rights-human/ , and the selected bibliography at the end of the entry. I agree with @MarcoOcram that any result should be open to further criticism, correction and improvement – hence also the UN-Declaration of Human Rights. 4. But in the present situation it seems more urgent to set into **practice** the UN-Declaration of Human Rights. To name in the UN-assembly those members who - in their country - violate the declaration. [1]: https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights/universal-declaration/translations/english [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drafting_of_the_Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights