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Is time not perceivable without motion or change?

The concept of change presupposes the concept of time because change is defined by comparing the state at two different points in time. Because you ponder whether the relation of time and change is a ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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3 votes

Is time not perceivable without motion or change?

Your question doesn't have a meaningful answer, because it pre-supposes something that is physically impossible. In effect, what you are asking is what would be the implications for time if we ignore ...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a distinction between one iteration and multiple iterations of Sleeping Beauty Problem?

No, the credence one should apply should be derived from large sample distribution. The idea is that any given particular instance of the sleeping beauty experiment corresponds to one of the cases of ...
Dave's user avatar
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Is time not perceivable without motion or change?

If you are talking about physical versus psychological time, the relation between time, motion, and change comes up again and again. In modern physics, of course, we have v = x/t which rewritten is t =...
J D's user avatar
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Is there a meaningful aspect of human life that is close to a material eureka moment?

I do not believe there can be a single universal eureka moment,I.e. the same event for everyone. My life experience shows the nature of human beings to be universally subjective and so while, for some,...
Jack Birch's user avatar
1 vote

How can something exist and then cease to exist?

Existence can very well be simply temporary. There is no reason for existence to be neither eternal nor immutable in order to be called existence. Western metaphysics has long been obsessed with ...
Nikos M.'s user avatar
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Is there a distinction between one iteration and multiple iterations of Sleeping Beauty Problem?

It depends on whether one is a halfer or a thirder: the thirder won't change the belief but the halfer will. Consider repeating the experiment just twice. Then there are four possibilities for the ...
present's user avatar
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Is there a distinction between one iteration and multiple iterations of Sleeping Beauty Problem?

After some thinking, I made two variations each of the "single coin toss" and "multiple coin tosses" experiment. The conclusion is that the credence in a multiple coin tosses ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a distinction between one iteration and multiple iterations of Sleeping Beauty Problem?

Should there be a difference in Sleeping Beauty's credence that a random awakening corresponds to Heads, depending on whether we do the single coin toss or the repeated coin toss experiment? A ...
Idiosyncratic Soul's user avatar
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can the way a radically different idea is presented optimize the process of accommodation on the receiver's end?

The most helpful precaution to take in such circumstances is to alert your audience to the fact that accommodation is needed, ideally pointing out exactly which concepts from their current mental ...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
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Is time not perceivable without motion or change?

See The Science of Timekeeping Application Note 1289 - Hewlett Packard. Resonant systems (clocks) are the ...
SystemTheory's user avatar
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Is time not perceivable without motion or change?

In physics, in a world with maximum entropy, there's no way to distinguish which way in time is forwards and which way in time is backwards. Atoms and molecules are in motion, but their motion is ...
user20574's user avatar
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Kant's remarks about the concept of time and the principle of noncontradiction

Kant: "if this representation [of time] were not an intuition (internal) a priori, no conception, of whatever kind, could render comprehensible the possibility of change" OP: "how could ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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