What is meant by abstract concepts and concrete concepts? Aren't the former tautologous and latter contradictory?
No, you are confusing yourself. You can have an idea about a real object, such as your laptop. You can also have an idea about something that is not real, such as justice. Both are ideas, but one is a ...
What is meant by abstract concepts and concrete concepts? Aren't the former tautologous and latter contradictory?
One recent development in the philosophy of mind is exploiting cognitive science in a naturalistic epistemology. Early cognitive science overlapped nicely with philosophical and scientific ...
What is meant by abstract concepts and concrete concepts? Aren't the former tautologous and latter contradictory?
Maybe "concept" is not to be taken too strongly here. If you were to express "abstract something" and "concrete something", maybe you could use "idea" for "...
Identification of light with existence and darkness with non-existence
Absolutely. Light as existence and being are intertwined conceptually on a symbolic level especially in the philosophy of art, mythology, and religion as a common theme easy to see through the eye of ...
Identification of light with existence and darkness with non-existence
It depends on what you mean by darkness. It has to do with what you see when it comes to darkness. But when talking about emptiness it has to do with the space that is around you. The difference ...
What is meant by abstract concepts and concrete concepts? Aren't the former tautologous and latter contradictory?
Abstraction is not a binary property ─ it is easy to imagine that each thing is either "abstract" or "not abstract", but this does not accurately describe what abstractness or ...
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