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How "the unity of opposites" represents non-duality?

The sense of 'Nonduality' that I mean by the word is not a Philosophical position, but I will put this answer out anyway, because it is an Exit sign off the endless freeway of Philosophy discourse. ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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How "the unity of opposites" represents non-duality?

The unity comes from the fact of consciousness being independent of the particular objects arising in consciousness at any moment of time. There is a stream of consciousness in which opposites arise ...
SystemTheory's user avatar
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What's the difference between elenchus and dialectic?

Both technical terms are not synonyms. Quoting from Richard Robinson Plato’s earlier Dialectic: The outstanding method in Plato’s earlier dialogues is the Socratic elenchus. ‘Elenchus’ in the wider ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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How "the unity of opposites" represents non-duality?

I'm assuming (wrongly?) that the question's emphasis is on Hegel first, then on situating his dialectics in a non-dualistic framework. I'll offer one example of this, based on the SEP article w.r.t. ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Model of an argument

Some thoughts. Contradictions are not the only bad consequence of an inference. Propositions that are implausible or weird are also bad. So if an argument can be shown to have an implausible ...
Bumble's user avatar
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How "the unity of opposites" represents non-duality?

This is (maybe) simpler than it seems. Let's consider a simple object: a rock. First, we can see that this rock doesn't really exist to our minds unless it somehow stands out from the background. If ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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How "the unity of opposites" represents non-duality?

One variation of "unity of opposites" is found in Brouwer's notion of the "twoity", the core intuition, according to him, of mathematics. The SEP quotes Brouwer's explanation of ...
mudskipper's user avatar
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Can we mathematically justify associating the concept of the imaginary unit with some kind of stagewise concept of negation?

"i" is the rotation operator which when multiplied with a vector in the complex plane, rotates it by a quarter turn counterclockwise. As such it has no linguistic significance. But since ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

How "the unity of opposites" represents non-duality?

The unity of opposites requires equilibrium, otherwise it would cease to be unity. Thusly, the unity of opposites REQUIRES duality, not non-duality. In fact, any notion of the unity of opposites being ...
Sebastianjoseph333's user avatar
1 vote

In what shape do opposites exist?

The opposite of A is necessarily not A, but not A is not necessarily the opposite of A. For example, both big and industrious are not small, but industrious is not the opposite of small. Opposites are ...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
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How is Hegel's dialectic a logic?

The short answer is that reason, logic, and dialectic are conceptually overlapping. Reason is often taken to be the process a philosopher engages is and is a property of intelligence. Therefore one ...
J D's user avatar
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Model of an argument

Is this a good model of how rational argument works, or ought to work? Are there any elements of rational argument that cannot be fit into this structure? Yes, and what you have here, outside of the ...
J D's user avatar
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