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Is exclusivity optimal from a utilitarian perspective? What's wrong with being non-exclusive?

I am answering the first version of this question. Nothing is inherently wrong under a utilitarian framework. Utilitarian judgments are contingent judgments. You have omitted in the utilitarian ...
Lowri's user avatar
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Why did Hegel consider Kant's definition of marriage crude and shameful?

Hegel didn't think family relationships should be viewed as essentially contractual (that is part of what makes them family, rather than civil-law or financial relationships) and conversely, he didn't ...
guest1806's user avatar
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Did Plato not believe in institution of marriage?

Conifold provides the reference, Republic, III.423e-424a. The rationale of Plato's proposals regarding marriage and the family is set out briefly by Julia Annas : Plato is not interested in the ...
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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Thales's views on marriage and sexuality

The source of stories about Thales, marriage, children and sexuality is mainly Diogenes Laertius, Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, given extra circulation in Plutarch's Lives. Given, ...
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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Are there utilitarian arguments showing a society with only loving heterosexual marriages achieves greater utility than all other alternatives?

An interesting anecdote. Years and years ago, in an effort to understand the new phenomenon of the religious right, I read Jarry Falwell's Listen America. In one chapter, Jerry argued, based on ...
Dcleve's user avatar
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What is an overview of utilitarian arguments in support of exclusive relationships?

I think it's relevant to look at the anthropology and history, in terms of thinkng about the greatest good for the greatest number. "A molecular genetic study of global human genetic diversity ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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What is an overview of utilitarian arguments in support of exclusive relationships?

This article covers some of Bentham's views on the defensibility of marriage along utilitarian lines and this article does the same with Mill, each reference source texts and others' arguments. (I ...
Elli's user avatar
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What is an overview of utilitarian arguments in support of exclusive relationships?

According to What is the utilitarian position on monogamy vs. polygamy, marriage and adultery, capitalism vs. socialism, the legalisation of cannabis etc? It is a common mistake to ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
2 votes

Is exclusivity optimal from a utilitarian perspective? What's wrong with being non-exclusive?

"A eliminates the possibility of B, B is bad, therefore A is good" does not follow. If drinking bleach eliminates the possibility of bad breath, and given that bad breath is usually ...
g s's user avatar
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What philosophers believed marriage is man's ultimate perfection?

I confine my remarks to Plato, who dominates your question Plato, Aristophanes & the Symposium Plato does not identify himself or the Platonic Socrates with Aristophanes' view. Aristophanes was a ...
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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What is an overview of utilitarian arguments in support of exclusive relationships?

There are an important distinctions between: What you do yourself What you advocate that others do What you (via the government) provide legal accommodations for (e.g. marriage) What you make illegal ...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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Are there utilitarian arguments showing a society with only loving heterosexual marriages achieves greater utility than all other alternatives?

Assuming a utilitarian framework, no one has published arguments defending that option (1) (a society of consisting only of loving hetereosexual couples) produces greater "net utility" than ...
mudskipper's user avatar
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Are there utilitarian arguments showing a society with only loving heterosexual marriages achieves greater utility than all other alternatives?

Per a Google search, there appear to be no thought experiments, current in any peer-reviewed literature (and not clearly in any other literature), which try out your comparison. From Jeremy Bentham ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
1 vote

What is marriage?

A public agreement between a couple and their community/society to acknowledge and respect their sexual/romantic-partner relationship. (So your last one, "bureaucratical record", is closest, ...
MGOwen's user avatar
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Kant and infidelity or monogamy

Prof_post asks in his bounty: I just want to know what Kant would think of not letting another person know when a romantic relationship is over. [Do] we have a duty not to do so? Kant clearly favors ...
Hokon's user avatar
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Kant and infidelity or monogamy

'It seems to me that if everyone refused to say when a monogamous relationship was over, refused to tell someone of their affairs, and so on, then no monogamous relationships could exist.' I don't see ...
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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Kant and infidelity or monogamy

I'm not a Kant scholar, but he clearly had a strong position in favor of monogamous marriage and against sexual license, which doesn't leave much room to justify infidelity. Here's a textbook chapter ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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determine a secular lawyerly/philosophical argument that solely upholds the traditional male-female marriage institute's values

The main difficulty with this argument is that you would have to establish that marriage is about the production of lineal-bloodline children. That is problematic for a few reasons: It is easily ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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Did Plato not believe in institution of marriage?

Plato espoused equality in nature between men and women, but not for just deserts with regards to human rights... for the benefit of society: ...may we not further say that our guardians are the ...
elliot svensson's user avatar

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