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What did Judith Butler mean by "differential axis of domination" in Gender Trouble?

What follows is pure exegesis. 1. The notion of subject In the first part of the quote, she basically shifts the notion of "subject". Subject in that context is not used as in "...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
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To what extent can the ability to commit crime in society be taken as an indicator of freedom?

What does 'able to commit crime' mean? Less likely to get caught? Face less draconian penalties if they are caught? Saudi Arabia have very severe penalties for crimes. But, people also know that what ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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Sociological-philosophical theories of society’s tendencies to react against itself, inescapably biased in some way

It would be helpful if your question was more clear, but based on my understanding of it I think you'd want a thorough understanding of biology, evolutionary theory and it's implications on society, ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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Is "democracy" a preferential system, even when everyone has "just one vote"?

If by 'democracy' you mean 'majority rule', then democracy will ex hypothesi favour the majority and its preferences. There is no inherent reason why those preferences should not allow for and include ...
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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What uses can and should philosophy be put to?

Philosophy is certainly a force and it is leading where people behind it are leading it. A knife is a tool or a weapon based on it's usage; sometimes though, you can cut yourself.
Ioannis Paizis's user avatar
2 votes

To what extent can the ability to commit crime in society be taken as an indicator of freedom?

First of all what crime rate are you referring to? The one reported by that government, the one "felt" by it's citizens (also what part of the citizenry) or the "true crime rate" ...
haxor789's user avatar
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To what extent can the ability to commit crime in society be taken as an indicator of freedom?

Crime is a complex issue with multiple factors. Even of your intuition was true, it would be very difficult to reliably assign a difference in crime rate between two countries to a difference in ...
armand's user avatar
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Is there a moral dilemma in democide studies?

"Is this really a moral dilemma, or is this problem indicative more that democide statistics aren't actually as important as various polemicists make them out to be?" Why are those the only ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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Sociological-philosophical theories of society’s tendencies to react against itself, inescapably biased in some way

You might like this answer about the history of dialectic argument, and the emergence of Historical Materialism: Relation of dialectics, as of Hegel and Marx, toward Enlightenment liberalism And, on ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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Was H.G. Wells unduly optimistic?

Let me start by saying that I am not sure your analysis of H.G. Wells is correct. I am more familiar with his fiction than non-fiction, but it seems very strange to me that the author of The Time ...
E Tam's user avatar
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Why the sudden change of Nicolas of Cusa's political thought?

For the historical context, see Conciliarism: "Conciliarism reached its apex with the Council of Basel (1431–1449), which ultimately fell apart. The eventual victor in the conflict was the ...
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
1 vote

Do social media such as Facebook enhance democratic values?

I think this question requires a little disambiguation. By "enhance Democratic values" do you mean improve the values themselves or promote the better exhibition of them in reality? ...
laertiades's user avatar
1 vote

Are there ethicists who defend the conclusion that "harm" be defined by the individual being harmed?

As we have seen of late, and as Jonathan Haidt so adeptly pointed out in his The Coddling of the American Mind, the concept of harm has essentially been reconstituted to include things like having ...
gonzo's user avatar
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What does it mean for someone to "found a state/government"? And why can they do it?

When people talk about 'founding' a state, they mean two things: Defining a certain territorial region that the 'state' will have sovereign authority to administer and control. Creating a body of ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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What distinguishes a Hypocrite from Demagogue?

Welcome johnsmiththelird I read your question with interest. It does have philosophical dimensions, which I've tried to show below. I'm not sure how much we gain when we conceptualise hyocrisy (and ...
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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