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How to get online proof writers working?

Well, imo you're kinda missing some stuff to properly delineate the scope of the disjunction. I would makee the premise like this: ∃x[ (S → R(x)) ∨ ((∀yQ(y)) ∧ S) ] Notice the extra set of parentheses ...
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Does Russel's Paradox apply to predicate logic also?

In High-order logic we have predicates of predicates, but they are organized into levels, or types. Thus, a predicate of type n+1 will be applied to predicates of type n. This means that a formula ...
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
1 vote

Formal Definition of Expressibility in Logic and Whether Propositional Logic Can Express Universality

The word "topic" is too vague. If you allow "topic" to range over any concept that a human can understand and describe, then you won't have a single formal definition that is ...
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