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-1 votes

Are there alternative methods, beyond Bayesian or probabilistic approaches, for modeling the relationship between evidence and hypothesis credibility?

The answer you cited presumes, wrongly, that it is possible to assign probabilities to theories. A probability has to be calculated. There has to be an explanation of why some particular assignment is ...
alanf's user avatar
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Can we assign probabilities to God and is the argument from improbability from Dawkins valid?

I'd like to address your second question: "Is the argument from improbability from Dawkins valid?" There's a book written by Alister McGrath titled The Dawkins Delusion that I had read ...
Peter Rankin's user avatar
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Are there probabilistic facts of the matter about the universe?

"Simple" statements about the past are always false or true. I'm taking a stance of scientific realism here which I suppose is underlying your question as well. (I.e., there is an objective ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
-1 votes

Are there probabilistic facts of the matter about the universe?

Scientists accept physical laws, and facts derived from those laws by mathematical deduction, as true facts about the universe. In quantum mechanics, these facts can indeed take the form of ...
Lee Mosher's user avatar
-1 votes

Are there probabilistic facts of the matter about the universe?

While in theory randomness is an intrinsic property, in practice, randomness is incomplete information. Nassim Nicholas Taleb aka Nero
BCLC's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there probabilistic facts of the matter about the universe?

Are there genuinely probabilistic facts about the universe? The Bayesians vs. Frequentists debate in probability/statistics is very much related to this matter: Bayesians view future in entirely ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Are there probabilistic facts of the matter about the universe?

No since facts are either true or false and there is no in between. There is no universe where God existing is “kind of/sort of” true. This applies to literally every fact for the very simple reason ...
Kelly's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there probabilistic facts of the matter about the universe?

Deterministic View (Probability as Epistemic): All facts are binary, either true or false, in a deterministic cosmos. Probabilities are not an objective aspect of reality; rather, they reflect human ...
Aditya Choudhary's user avatar
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Why is the gambler's fallacy a fallacy?

It’s quite simple mathematics and would fit there better than under “philosophy”. But basically, you are misunderstanding what the statements mean. Assuming that every coin throw has a probability of ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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