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How to get online proof writers working?

Well, imo you're kinda missing some stuff to properly delineate the scope of the disjunction. I would makee the premise like this: ∃x[ (S → R(x)) ∨ ((∀yQ(y)) ∧ S) ] Notice the extra set of parentheses ...
Groovy's user avatar
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What is the difference between logical consistency and logical entailment in deductive logic?

Ok, I think I understand either your confusion or difficulty with these (two) so-called logical concepts. So let's step back and see if we can think outside the box for a moment (I mean let's forget ...
Foster Antony's user avatar
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How did Fitch's opposition to the Russell-Whitehead theory of types turn out since the 1950's?

I will interpret the question as, "Did Fitch's allowance for self-reference make headway in analytic philosophy?" and answer in the affirmative. Quine's New Foundations set theory, already ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar

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