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Neil Meyer's user avatar
Neil Meyer's user avatar
Neil Meyer
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
8 votes

Does the imperfection of man imply the imperfection of God?

7 votes

What is the purpose of the universe?

6 votes

How much philosophy should a physicist know?

4 votes

Did any specific philosophy contribute to the world wars?

4 votes

Does Santa Claus exist?

3 votes

Why do we uphold the concept of "morality"?

3 votes

How might science (particularly theoretical physics) be able to approach god?

3 votes

What are the fundamental differences between the belief system of science and religious belief systems?

3 votes

In what way(s) does popular New Atheism fail to be philosophical?

2 votes

Could a finite time universe exist "eternally"?

2 votes

Why do cults thrive?

2 votes

Is it possible that we have a branch of philosophy called philosophical finance in the future?

2 votes

Is it possible that religion is a part of science?

2 votes

Is "God does not exist; therefore, the argument for God's existence is not sound" fallacious?

2 votes

How do proponents of the Cosmological argument respond to the nature of time?

2 votes

Do messenger-based religions contradict the idea of an all wise God?

2 votes

Is there any philosophical idea that radically changed the world in the twentieth century?

2 votes

is science against philosophy?

2 votes

Can we ever know the origin of universe?

2 votes

Can the fine-tuning problem be finessed out of existence via the multi-verse?

1 vote

Objective reality vs. illusion in Descartes' time

1 vote

Are there any non-divine objective standards of good/evil?

1 vote

How susceptible is the scientific community to politics and other intrusion?

1 vote

Does humanism's rejection of God necesitate relativism?

1 vote

Is it possible to scientifically determine good and evil?

1 vote

How does the success of science offer an objection to religious miracles?

1 vote

How can a belief in God be reconciled with modern science?

1 vote

Is it possible to define (legally-useful) inalienable natural rights without a deity?

1 vote

Is there any exception to the law of "Cause and Effect"?

1 vote

Are there any philosophical arguments to disprove or weaken solipsism?