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Cannabijoy's user avatar
Cannabijoy's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
0 votes

Can we ask an infinite amount of questions or is there a limit to how many questions we can ask?

3 votes

Is being omnipresent of each person of the Trinity contradictory?

0 votes

How could we get a world where only impossible things happen?

0 votes

Does providence imply the same thing as fate in Christianity?

0 votes

Can we be Boltzmann brains? Or, how can we be sure there is no conspiracy about the past?

1 vote

Why are legal and moral responsibilities said to be different?

1 vote

Difference between ‘determinism’ and ‘fatalism’

1 vote

Knowledge without a belief: do infants have beliefs?

3 votes

Is there a limit beyond which mathematics, if used correctly, cannot be applied to reality?

0 votes

What role does "DESIRE" play in materialistic determinism?

1 vote

Is The World Deterministic?

1 vote

How are the actions of conscious beings interpreted in terms of cause and effect?

1 vote

How can land and natural resources become “private property”?

2 votes

What influence has Joseph Priestley had on modern philosophy?

1 vote

What is the difference between hard determinism and compatibilism, under the assumption of physicalism?