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Mitch's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
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12 votes

Is Cantor's theorem based on a fallacy?

10 votes

Does quantum mechanics disprove determinism?

10 votes

What is the difference between knowledge and belief?

8 votes

Why is there something instead of nothing?

8 votes

Is mathematics founded on beliefs and assumptions?

8 votes

Are all fallacies created equal?

7 votes

Has there been a Cartesian revolution in mathematics?

7 votes

What does it mean that a claim is a claim of nonexistence?

7 votes

Is a theory that can only be disproved with an infeasable test still scientific?

7 votes

Motivations for dialetheism?

7 votes

Motivations for dialetheism?

7 votes

How does philosophy impact "real life"?

6 votes

Are the unexamined lives of others worth examining?

6 votes

Is there a correct or better order to read Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates?

6 votes

Is it ethically correct to be proud of one's country?

5 votes

Does time exist?

5 votes

Has Hofstadter's concept of strange loop been given a more formal treatment (by him or anyone else) than "GEB" and "I am a strange loop"?

5 votes

Is it possible to deny that affirming a logical contradiction implies every possible proposition?

5 votes

Is the universe isomorphic to a universal turing machine?

5 votes

What's an intuition for material implication?

5 votes

How does one tell apart left from right?

4 votes

Does complexity generate more complexity in nature?

4 votes

A special name for a proposition where the predicate is the subject?

4 votes

Are we living in a simulation? The evidence

4 votes

Prerequisites for mathematical logic?

4 votes

What is the difference between Law of Excluded Middle and Law of Non Contradiction?

3 votes

Why would Aristotle argue that "a mechanic or a mercantile life" is "ignoble and inimical to virtue"?

3 votes

How much philosophy should a physicist know?

3 votes

How can we have a 'natural existence' for complex numbers?

3 votes

Is a priori and a posteriori knowledge objective or subjective?