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niels nielsen's user avatar
niels nielsen's user avatar
niels nielsen
  • Member for 5 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • corvallis, oregon, united states
45 votes

Isn't every theory or model wrong?

33 votes

Why do atheist euthanasia proponents consider nothingness preferable to suffering?

27 votes

Is mathematics politically and culturally neutral?

25 votes

Certainty is not possible in science

20 votes

When did philosophers decide philosophy was not useful, and why?

19 votes

Do human thoughts interact with matter?

17 votes

Why isn't the dictum "something can't come from nothing" a matter of consensus?

16 votes

Is science value-free?

15 votes

What are the values of science research without immediate applications?

14 votes

Which field is more rigorous, mathematics or philosophy?

12 votes

What is the "fabric" of spacetime if it is not a relational entity?

11 votes

Can we doubt all knowledge?

11 votes

What is to be understood by the phrase "Israel's right to exist"?

11 votes

What really is the "rate" of time? and what is the "rate" of perception

10 votes

Is scientific method entirely based on statistics (statistical inference)?

8 votes

How can quantum field theory contribute to clarifying the ontological nature of objects, mereologically?

8 votes

Does science require the exclusion of the "infinite"?

8 votes

Would it be moral for Danish resitance in WW2 to kill collaborators?

7 votes

How small can we measure space?

7 votes

Are we at the end of scientific paradigm shifts?

7 votes

How important is explanatory power when it comes to assessing the likelihood of a hypothesis?

7 votes

Is thermodynamics science?

6 votes

The location of a single object in empty space

6 votes

Are these random experiments the same?

6 votes

Is there a level at which energy and matter are indistinguishable?; viz. can space exist without perception?

6 votes

How to explain the cosmic expansion?

6 votes

How many dimensions does time have?

6 votes

To what extent is mathematics a tool to grasp the world beyond human intuition?

6 votes

The problem of Motion

6 votes

Is there any counterexample given against radical skepticism?

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