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David Thornley's user avatar
David Thornley's user avatar
David Thornley
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Minneapolis, MN
6 votes

Can randomness be random?

6 votes

Can the affirmation "All taxes are theft" be considered an a priori truth?

4 votes

Isn't the knowledge of the non-existence of "God", objective?

4 votes

Forward time travel

4 votes

What are the retorts to Searle's Chinese Room?

3 votes

What makes a computer artificially intelligent?

3 votes

How could a computer acquire knowledge of its environment?

3 votes

Is science a religion?

3 votes

Can infinity have a beginning?

3 votes

How compatible is atheism with agnosticism?

3 votes

Philosophy - Does Einstein's Block Universe theory prove Nietzsche's Eternal Return theory is true?

3 votes

Does human life have innate value over that of other animals?

2 votes

How much platonism do I need to handle the halting property?

2 votes

Is a supernatural entity or existence constricted by the necessity of evidence?

2 votes

Why do humans make infants?

2 votes

What are some examples of solved philosophical problems?

2 votes

Is Philosophy still useful in the modern era?

2 votes

How do I operate with philosophers if I reject deductive reasoning?

2 votes

What are the implications of relativity of Mathematics?

2 votes

What is the principle of underdetermination?

2 votes

Mathematical Consensus

2 votes

Accuracy vs. Understanding In Science

2 votes

How can one in principle distinguish causality from observed regularity?

1 vote

Is calling someone "stupid" always Ad Hominem fallacy?

1 vote

Can a non linear perception of time be the answer to the apparent contradiction between God's Decree and human free will?

1 vote

Is Solipsism self-defeating?

1 vote

Do consequentialists consider all warring nations to be terrorist states?

1 vote

Does an infinitesimal instant of time have zero duration?

1 vote

How is it possible to be thankful for what you have?

1 vote

What are arguments against the option of immortality?