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ChrisW's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

Is it possible to refute subjective reality?

6 votes

How can one not believe in god as the root cause of the universe?

4 votes

Why to know how to multiply numbers does not mean to know the result?

3 votes

Does the “Lord's Prayer” increase corruption?

3 votes

Were there any prominent philosophers / philosophies pre-Ancient Greece?

3 votes

How can an uneducated but rational person differentiate between science and religion?

3 votes

Why do people who subscribe to self-refuting skeptical philosophies still argue with others?

3 votes

Being alive today: the most improbable coincidence?

2 votes

In light of Eichmann's Case: what makes a regime's legitimacy end?

2 votes

Why is a lion not evil?

2 votes

Have I found a paradox, or is the universe digital? Or am I just plain wrong?

2 votes

Have we philosophically found a theory to end the human suffering?

2 votes

The "point" to an Atheists existence

2 votes

Is abortion anything to do with choice?

1 vote

What arguments would support a secular pro-life position?

1 vote

What reasons are there for believing in Monism?

1 vote

If supposing that a statement is false gives rise to a paradox, does this prove that the statement is true?

1 vote

What exactly are the reasons for "the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom?"

1 vote

Buddhism self, no-self and the middle path.

1 vote

Would a theoretical decision maker subscribing to the following principles decide against human abortion?

1 vote

"Change" last forever? If not what fallacy breaks the chain of reasoning shown here?

1 vote

Is everything just an opinion?

0 votes

Science and personal beliefs

0 votes

Moral Duty and Happiness: Are Both Achievable?

0 votes

Is it ethically correct to be proud of one's country?

0 votes

How can animals be objects of ethics without being subjects as well?

-1 votes

What is the fallacy “X is bad, Y is worse, therefore X is not bad” called?