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Confutus's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Arizona
4 votes

Is Western Philosophy Inherently Patriarchal and Mono-racial?

3 votes

Is "A and not-A" meaningful (and false) or meaningless?

3 votes

What do we use to check the validity of a logic system?

3 votes

What do you call this type of logic?

2 votes

How be so sure that implications are bivalent? (An attempt to resolve paradoxes of material implication)

2 votes

What is the relationship between intuitionistic logic and 3-value logic?

2 votes

What are the practical applications of modal logic?

2 votes

Are there "partially explosive" logics?

2 votes

Is there modal logic without possible worlds?

2 votes

In propositional logic, why can a FALSE antecedent of conditional be simplified to TRUE?

1 vote

Why does the material conditional have the truth table it does?

1 vote

Are there n-valent classical propositional logics?

1 vote

Why don't we have consensus in more complicated areas of logic?

1 vote

What is the difference in logic between strong and weak negation?

1 vote

What are examples of non classical formal logic being used to solve practical questions?

1 vote

Why does no modal logic use an anti-symmetric (partial order) accessibility relation?

0 votes

What logics/philosophies deny the law of excluded middle (LEM)?

0 votes

Modal Companions and Trivially Strict Conditionals

0 votes

Shouldn't statements be considered equivalent based on their meaning rather than truth tables?

0 votes

Łukasiewicz & statements about the past

0 votes

Why did many valued logic fail in describing modal logic?

0 votes

If-then statements meaning in everyday vs mathematics

0 votes

What is the difference between Law of Excluded Middle and Law of Non Contradiction?

0 votes

Can an interesting (as in doesn't reduce to the classical one) definition of complete theory be given for multi-valued logics?

0 votes

Does modal logic have truth tables?

0 votes

Why is non-binary logic not commonly used?

0 votes

Are there any strong reasons to still consider logical monism or a "One True Logic" in light of all the non-classical logics that have been developed?

0 votes

Is there any exception to the rule of non-contradiction?

-1 votes

What does the truth-value of a material implication represent?

-2 votes

How the hell could it be a valid argument if the premise and conclusion are two different things