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emesupap's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
28 votes

Why do universities not teach constructive mathematics to CS undergraduates?

8 votes

What is the formal definition of interpretation of a formal language?

8 votes

Peano Axioms have models other than the natural numbers, why is this ok?

6 votes

Why can Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem be proven?

6 votes

What is the use in arguing for or against the existence of metaphysical things?

5 votes

What is a good approach to the question "the real number 2 is the same as the complex number 2?"

5 votes

Enantiodromia--How Do Symbols Undergo an Inversion of Meaning?

4 votes

What is an ordered pair of identical objects?

4 votes

A testable hypothesis where its negation is not testable?

4 votes

What speaks against the "every creation has a creator" proof of god?

4 votes

Does absence of evidence mean evidence of absence?

4 votes

Are mathematical proofs subject to the problem of induction?

4 votes

Can something be both a type and a token?

4 votes

Should reducing and simplifying explanations be a core aspect of Philosophical practice?

4 votes

What is the proof of that self-application in the λ-calculus is not inconsistent?

3 votes

Do axioms of the physical and mental need to be consistent?

3 votes

Extending the use-mention distinction to account for variables and predicates

3 votes

Are there inference rules for introducing and elimination implication `->` in the antecedent (the part on the left of `|-`)?

3 votes

How to Study Aristotles Ethics

3 votes

Does it matter if certain professions have a lower rate of theism, and if so, why does it matter?

3 votes

Who/what are some good introductions into Christian philosophy?

3 votes

What is the Normal Form of Proofs in Intuitionist Logic?

3 votes

Is Architecture a Language?

3 votes

Why do we equate a mathematical object with what denotes it?

3 votes

The intensionality of modal logic

3 votes

Can a totally ordered set with a last element but no first element exist, or is this contradictory?

3 votes

How can there be any necessarily true propositions?

3 votes

Is the definition of a proposition a true proposition itself?

2 votes

Hard stuff made easy?

2 votes

Why is math powerful?