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Boba Fit's user avatar
Boba Fit
  • Member for 1 year, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
34 votes

What kind of fallacy is it to say if abolition of something isn't possible, we shouldn't attempt to address it at all?

9 votes

Is it logical to seek revenge?

3 votes

Book request: A nosology of untruths

3 votes

Are there any stoic suggestions around dealing with unneeded hard truths and happy unknowing minds?

3 votes

Why are our emotions considered a huge part of psychology but not philosophy?

3 votes

What is a physical quantity in science?

2 votes

How to understanding abstract things easily?

2 votes

Is mathematical creativity the same as artistic creativity?

2 votes

As John Yossarian's advocate, how would you rebut his Catch-22 using only logic?

2 votes

From a deeply ethical standpoint, Why or why not should any human have or keep secrets?

2 votes

Is thermodynamics science?

2 votes

Is it possible get good things back in life, by doing bad things to others?

2 votes

Philosophical term for the possibility that one came into existence right now

2 votes

Does time ever go backwards in Special Relativity

2 votes

What is the value of maintaining an interest in catastrophe?

2 votes

Are there models of causal regresses where each cause-effect pair is mapped to/from the integers?

1 vote

What if all sets contain themselves?

1 vote

About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality

1 vote

Are conspiracy theories evil?

1 vote

Would it be ethical to help both predator and prey?

1 vote

Can there be a solution to these three problems?

1 vote

Why are the laws of the universe so perfect and consistent?

1 vote

Could I (or something like my mind) exist because more complicated (mental) products than me exist?

1 vote

Are quantities/amounts a state of existence?

1 vote

Please explain to me why it said that there is not only one present

1 vote

Top-down vs bottom-up approaches in science?

0 votes

The definition of life

0 votes

Why are empirical and theoretical knowledge connected?

0 votes

How can mathematical results impact the physical world?

0 votes

What is the difference between an egoist and a high-functioning psychopath?