Thanks to the comments below it occured to me I could reforulate the question more positively. Instead of 'trick', 'evasion' etc., lets talk of...
The Jigsaw Effect
- A completed jigsaw is a completed jigsaw.
- More significantly, an incomplete jigsaw is not a completed jigsaw, even if one piece of of 200 is removed
Some standard egs from philosophy (no relation of CS!)
The Semiotic Ontology
Saussure offered a 'dyadic' or two-part model of the sign. He defined a sign as being composed of:
- a 'signifier' (signifiant) - the form which the sign takes; and
- the 'signified' (signified) - the concept it represents.
For Peirce, then, any instance of signification contains a (1) sign-vehicle, (2) an object and (3) interpretant. This triadic structure... is present in all of Pierce's accounts.
The fact that we talk of Sassurean and Piercean semiotics means they are different!
Essential Christianity
The Nicene Creed runs:
I believe in One God, the Father almight...
I believe in One Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only begotten Son of God,
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life... who has spoken through the prophets...
Now say a person says Christ the Son is enough for me; I dont need Father — I am an atheist — and whoever runs after ghosts, holy or otherwise!
Would he be a Christian in any reasonable sense?
[Tnx to Bumble]
Bumble: ...we can account for language about objects at one level in terms of language about objects at a lower level...
Answer: And we can do that reductionism improperly with category errors eg Saying Everything is {Hydrogen, Helium... Plutonium, Californium} is ok; Saying Everything is {electrons, protons, neutrons} is ok — another level. But what if we say Everything is electrons protons and hydrogen?
This wrong way of building ontologies is what I want a term for.
For now and for this forum we can put aside memory/pointers and CS questions in general