[III] How to obtain "Self-esteem" ?
The features of genuine sources of self-esteem:
(A) Does not involve self-accusation as in depression.
(B) Does not involve self-inflation as in narcissism, where the self is a balloon with no real concretization for the self-esteem origin that can be approved by others. This is doomed to failure and the subject will swing back
to/from despair.
The genuine origin of self-esteem must be concrete and objective so that it can be approved by others and therefore reflected from them:
If I were asked for the single most striking insight into human nature
and the human condition, it would be this; that no person is strong
enough to support the meaning of his or her life unaided by something
and/or someone outside himself or herself. (Angel in armor, Ernest Becker)
Whatever your own version of meaning of life (your origin of self-esteem) should be testified and shared by others.