lógos: 1) a vision as in “model”, designor “design”, planor “plan” 2) rationality; 3) the conscious/rational self; 4) an explainable system of beliefs rooted in the notion of one and only objective reality that we all share and are a part of (a. k. a. “God”).
‟The lógosLógos holds always, but humans, always time and again, prove unable to ever understand it, both before hearing it and when they have first heard it.
-- Heraclitus, circa 450 BC
‟In the beginning was the lógosLógos, and the lógosLógos was with God, and the lógosLógos was God. All things happened through it, in it was life, and the life was the Light of all mankind... And the Light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not comprehend it.
-- John 1:1-5
That is why the objective reality disappears. Maybe Jean Baudrillard's language was an attempt to reach through that invisible shield. Or maybe it is pure art, or both.
Instead of being absent from themselves in illusion, they are forced to register on thousands of screens, off whose horizons not only the real has disappeared, but the image too.
Here is what I think these "thousands of screens" refer to:
‟And although the lógos is common, most people live as if they had their own private understanding.
-- Heraclitus, circa 450 BC
Our rational mind is designed to understand the objective reality and to share that understanding with others. It makes it inherently objective, selfless, and collaborative. It is also supposed to be our conscious Self and in charge.
As it happens, however, we -- our civilization since its dawn 10,000 years ago -- make it incredibly hard and painful for a child to keep him-Self at the controls. Before too long, their subconsciousness would have enough and take over. And it sees things differently.
Inherited from our animal ancestors as-is, our irrational, subconscious mind is a neural net supercomputer. And being a neural net, its own experience is all it ever knows. That makes it inherently selfish, competitive and 100% subjective, often unable to grasp the very concept of objective reality. And it is the subjectivity that makes neural nets convinced that they are living in their "own" realities -- the thousands of screens, seeing the same but never recognizing it as such.
How the objective reality gives us the truth, and how it makes us human.
"Listening not to me but to the lógos it is wise to agree that all things are one."
-- Heraclitus, circa 450 BC
"The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work."
-- John 14:10
... and for the record, "Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father."
-- John 16:25