For some of you young people, if you were to face death now, you would be like "No, I want to do so many things." You would keep hoping death doesn't take you in the next 5 minutes. If it kept going long enough without taking you, eventually, you would feel like you got the answers you need and your curiosity is satisfied. You would find that part of the microprocess of looking at the thing that your curiosity of is satisfied is feeling like you have a 5 minute away future self. Those are the instinctive senses and they won't always be right and that's probably what the science would say. I suppose that is a little bit like what an escapist would do but for a completely different reason. However, you want to take as much life as you can get. Even if we beat aging, maybe 100 years from now, we will have a plan that was worked on together with everyone that allows anyone over 100 at that time to choose not to carry on living and a lot of people will not be fashioned to carry on living once they're 100. There wasI have the feeling that I once saw a I'm 35YouTube video with an old person giving the advice "Wait for the golden years." I think it's a good idea. It really is that long and slow a discovery thing adjusting your mind to really address all the problems there are to address and really having that precisely focused mind, something that takes 80 years to get there. I'm unlikely to die before the age of about 80. I live in month long chapters or something like that. Every time the next one comes, I am like "I thought it would never come." I know that just because my awareness of the next one is very nil doesn't mean it's truly never coming. When it comes, I learn about it from scratch and am like "I thought it would never come." Now it's normal in my mind to have awareness in the past direction but not the future direction. If your awareness is like that, some part of you is seems to be asking the question "If the next one comes, what would I do? rather than "When it comes, what will I do?" except it's so clear and obvious that you would adapt when it comes if it comes and you're really not anticipating the next one at all. It is always possible to do abstract thinking of what you would do if the science were different and didn't say you were gonna die. Now you know that it is just abstract thinking exploring that topic and doesn't meaningfully represent anything.
Your brain is an algorithm. Algorithmically, it's possible to do things for a future as if it's coming even when it's not. Algorithmically, it's possible to decide in your mind that you were gonna follow a certain long term plan until you get fed a different plan before the end of the original long term plan if it happens. Young people some times find really long things to work on and then later feel like doing something else and don't finish it. Algorithmically, they were gonna do it and then later, a new and different idea came to them with their thinking so they didn't finish. How ever wierd that is, it's probably part of the process of adjusting their mind as a slow discovery thing and then they become really well adapted to the world by the age of 40. See the video You have to work to discover how to adjust your mind on how to do things 10 years later. You can't take it for granted. It's always gonna be that way. It won't ever change.