How can I take useful philosophy,
especially philosophy of technology,
and export useful ideas and actions
from it?
It is difficult to answer this in a generic context. However, any commercial technological activity must be restrained with critique of technology and its structure be molded in accordance with the ethics of technology. Any commercial activity, technological or otherwise, unrestrained by these values shall fail for want of cultural acceptability*. Hence, essential is the scope of philosophy in any commercial activity.
In most corporate houses, as I can tell from my own experience, decisions are made not on the basis of personal influence and valid logical arguments are ignored. If the leader so decides, logic can be promoted as means of assertion in the decision making, policy development and other corporate processes.
It is recommendable that you look into the welfare economics as proposed by Noble laureate Dr. Amartya Sen.
From those actions, how can I convince
non-philosophers of their utility and
promote their adoption?
The only way to convince people, in general, of the utility and scope of philosophy is to show them that the same is more profitable and efficacious.
*In exceptional cases, what's unethical may be culturally acceptable and thus commercially successful up to a certain extent. However, this will always be limited by virtue of intellectual criticism, subject to appropriate lobbying by new age media.