For the first part :
(P ∨ ¬ P) ⊢ [((P→Q)→P)→P]
we can prove it using the following axiom system for (propositional) Intuitionistic logic and modus ponens.
1) P --- assumed
2) ((P→Q)→P)→P --- from axiom A → (B → A), with P in place of A and ((P→Q)→P) as B, and 1), by modus ponens
3) P → [((P→Q)→P)→P] --- from 1) and 2) by Deduction Theorem (or →-introduction in Natural Deduction), "discharging" assumption 1)
4) ¬P --- assumed
5) (P→Q) --- from axiom ¬A → (A → B) (ex falso quodlibet) and 4), by modus ponens
6) (P→Q)→P --- assumed
7) P --- from 5) and 6), by modus ponens
8) ((P→Q)→P)→P --- from 6) and 7), by Deduction Theorem, "discharging" assumption 6)
9) ¬P → [((P→Q)→P)→P] --- from 4) and 8) by Deduction Theorem, "discharging" assumption 4)
Now that we have derived : P → [((P→Q)→P)→P] (3) and ¬P → [((P→Q)→P)→P] (9), we use the axiom (A → C) → ((B → C) → (A ∨ B → C)) with P in place of A, ¬P in place of B and ((P→Q)→P)→P as C to derive, by modus ponens twice :
10) (P ∨ ¬ P) → [((P→Q)→P)→P].
For the other part, we can prove :
if ⊢ [((P→Q)→P)→P], then ⊢ (P ∨ ¬ P)
using two additonal laws, which are intuitionistically valid :
- ⊢ ¬(P ∨ ¬ P) ↔ (¬P ∧ ¬¬ P) --- for the intuitionistically valid De Morgan's laws, see Intuitionistic logic
and :
Proof of : ¬¬(P ∨ ¬ P)
1) ¬(P ∨ ¬ P) --- assumed
2) (¬P ∧ ¬¬ P) --- from 1) by De Morgan (see above)
3) ¬P --- from 2) and axiom A & B → A, by *modus ponens
4) ¬¬ P --- from 3) and axiom A & B → B, by *modus ponens
5) ¬(P ∨ ¬ P) → ¬P --- from 1) and 3) by Deduction Theorem
6) ¬(P ∨ ¬ P) → ¬¬P --- from 1) and 4) by Deduction Theorem
7) ¬¬(P ∨ ¬ P) --- from 5) and 6) and axiom (A → B) → ((A → ¬B) → ¬A), by modus ponens twice.
Now for the main Proof, where we use the falsum ⊥ and define negation through the abbreviation : ¬P for P → ⊥.
1) (P ∨ ¬ P) → ⊥ --- assumed
2) ¬(P ∨ ¬ P) --- from 1) and the abbreviation above
3) ¬¬(P ∨ ¬ P) --- we have proved it above
4) (P ∨ ¬ P) --- from 3) and 2) and the axiom : ¬A → (A → B), by modus ponens twice
5) ((P ∨ ¬ P) → ⊥) → (P ∨ ¬ P) --- from 1) and 4) by Deduction Theorem
6) [((P ∨ ¬ P) → ⊥) → (P ∨ ¬ P)] → (P ∨ ¬ P) --- from Peirce's law : ((A→B)→A)→A with (P ∨ ¬ P) as A and ⊥ as B
7) (P ∨ ¬ P) --- from 5) and 6) by modus ponens.
We can summarize the situation as follows.
In classical logic we have : ⊢((P→Q)→P)→P and : ⊢ P ∨ ¬ P , because both are tautologies.
Also :
⊢ (P ∨ ¬ P) <-> [((P→Q)→P)→P]
is a valid logical law.
In intuitionistic logic we have that : ⊢ [((P→Q)→P)→P] iff ⊢ (P ∨ ¬ P), and also ⊢(P ∨ ¬ P) → [((P→Q)→P)→P].
But not ⊢ [((P→Q)→P)→P] → (P ∨ ¬ P).