That pretty much depends on how you'd define "simulation" and "world" and to the level of detail that you want to consider.
Chris sunami already gave a very good answer, so probably rather read that instead.
First of all you need to distinguish between a simulation and an emulation. The first is an attempt of a practical recreation of something as close to the real thing as you can get (which leaves a lot of wiggle room in terms of the degree of detail), while an emulation is just meant to replicate an effect. So a simulation is something like a crash test, a re-enactment or if you really want to go to computers a computer simulation in which you idk track the behavior of a physical property by incrementally applying the relevant laws of physics that influence it. Idk so if you drop a ball you might look at it's xyz position and track it through the progression of time while the ball is under the effect of gravity for example.
So if you stick to the thing computers were always made for: games. (Let's be real scientific simulations are also just big children playing around with sophisticated toys...). Then you can distinguish for example between the kind of simulations that recreate a universe with self-consistent rules, so for example all objects in this universe are effected by gravity while the less physically inclined game dev might just recreate the same effect by moving sprites representing objects from the top of the screen to the bottom.
So it's essentially the difference between throwing an apple up into the air and catching it and having a picture of an apple tied to a stick and move that stick up or down.
And ironically the former might be easier than the latter with regards to memory consumption. Think about what it would mean to "emulate" if you time traveled to the medieval period. Just find or recreate a setting that would have fit and be yourself... done. While if you wanted it to look and feel functionally equivalent without actually being the same, you'd end up with something like a D&D group larping in an urban setting creating the world by using tomes worth of rules, regulations and explanations to replicate a realness that isn't real.
On the other hand it's quite simply to entrap you in a very large emulated universe, like idk imagine a standing in a field with crops above you is an blue sky with clouds that you can reach, to fill it a bit you might scatter some trees. Now if you make that landscape large enough and make it so that if you'd leave the area you'd reenter on the other side you could recreate the impression of an infinite universe within finite space. Similarly it's totally possible to do that same thing within that universe and so on.
Sure if you wanted to simulate that in an emulation you'd run out of memory because the simulation would need to make use of the resources of the emulation while still being active. That being said if you just emulate that as well you could also show a loading screen and load a different level once the observer looks at it, so it could even have the same size.
Though when it comes to simulations you could also have people in a future society re-enacting a past society that, re-enacts an even more in the past society. So a simulation in a simulation in a simulation. Does that count? I mean they still happen in the same base reality and as such obey to the same base reality laws yet for all intents and purposes the "world", the experienced reality of those larping that would be different. Though it would still be a self-consisting universe in which (with reasonable caveats) things happen because of real life interactions not because of some narrator or rule book telling you that things happen.