In "gradual brain replacement," a person's neurons are gradually, over the course of perhaps a few minutes or hours, replaced by nanites, while the person is conscious and talking about the experience.
The nanites are close enough in function to the neurons that the overall behavior and patterns of brain activity of the person are not obviously changed throughout the replacement process. They continue to act and talk like they normally would.
In particular, the nanites are close enough in function to the neurons that the brain circuits that might normally activate to detect a gradual-loss-of-consciousness scenario (e.g. circuits to detect oncoming fainting or sleepiness), do not activate; those brain circuits continue to function as if the brain still was composed entirely of neurons and nothing unusual was happening.
The question the thought experiment is designed to answer is, "does the person suddenly or gradually lose consciousness at any point during this process?"
Because of the assumptions, if you ask the person if they feel like they are losing consciousness, they will tell you, "no, I still feel like me." Functionally, they are outwardly indistinguishable from a normal person.
This is not the end of the story, because what if they are becoming a P-zombie that only acts and talks like a conscious person, but is no longer conscious on the inside? But the scenario is designed to rule this out.
First, it is implausible that the person would suddenly and completely lose consciousness, considering the gradualness of the neuron replacement. If consciousness is lost, it would have to be a gradual fading-out that the person would have time to react to and talk about if able, not a sudden switch. (The rate of neuron replacement should be tuned to a rate so that the person would have time to notice and discuss the fading-out, if and whenever it happens.)
One conceivable result is that the person would notice they are starting to lose consciousness, but simply be unable to mention it. They would lose control of their own speech; their voice would say, "I feel fine, I am perfectly conscious," even though on the inside they are trying to say they are losing consciousness and the process should be halted.
But if they had this internal struggle - if they even noticed they were fading out - wouldn't there need to be some brain circuits lighting up to represent that process of noticing? People don't just feel emotions and notice things without corresponding neural activity. But by assumption of the scenario, those brain circuits are functionally acting just the same as they were before.
To put it another way, there's a link between how the person is subjectively feeling and what they say they are feeling. If this link erodes gradually, then while it's still 75% present they would still be able to report on the 25% reduction.
So we have to conclude they did not notice any loss of consciousness throughout the whole process; throughout the process, as they inspected their state of consciousness, they subjectively seemed just the same as they were at the beginning. So that by the end, with their brain composed fully of nanites, they are still conscious. There was no sudden change in their state of consciousness because the physical replacement was gradual, and there was no gradual change in their state of consciousness because they would have spoken up about it or at least noticed it, neither of which is possible according to the premise.
Does this hold up - does this prove that a person with a brain composed of nanites with function sufficiently similar to that of biological neurons, would possess the same level of consciousness as a person with a biological brain?
To make explicit the baseline assumptions:
- There is no extra-physical spirit exerting a causal influence on the world; the brain's patterns of activation and the body's actions are explicable by the neural dynamics in the brain, without causal reference to any supernatural component.
- For humans with biological brains, all subjective experiences have neural correlates.
- There is nothing physically preventing the function of the brain from being re-implemented in nanites.
But I don't assume that consciousness is independent of substrate. This is the conclusion, not an assumption. The assumptions above are not prima faciae incompatible with the idea that consciousness requires a biological brain. I assume (qualia) -> (physical correlate) (that's the second assumption above), but the scenario is meant to show, rather than assume, that (functionally equivalent physical correlate) -> (qualia).