Look around you, people behave in very predictable ways, and our social systems are designed to show what is predictable and what is not. So nuanced is this process, a small divergence from cultural language causes fear and a massive withdrawal from interaction.
We claim to be intellectual, but emotional ties to ideas causes us to prefer one argument over another. We will sometimes hold opposing ideas, and yet be blind to it because of our emotional need to hold them.
Some ideas mean a loss of social position, income, friends, status, respect. It is suggested our outlook in early teenage years predicts our world view through life. Looking at family relationships with or without strong personality boundaries, also biases us to certain arguments over others, ie group consensus over individual expression.
Experience of trauma closes people down from child like enquiry to sharp defined views on how to handle others. Education and research are founded on a child like enquiry, yet many may have already shut themselves out from this already.
So we may have free will, but it is embedded in a lot of things that suggest the opposite. I believe in free will, but only when freed from the enslaving experiences.