Edit You can only use conjunctive, disjunctive, and negation intro/elim and only uses TautCon for DeMorgans.
You also seem to be using rules called "contradiction introduction", and "contradiction elimination". So I suspect what you call "negation elimination" is what is more usually called "double negation elimination".
Anyway, you have the first five lines okay.
1| B Promise
2|_ ~((~A & B) v C) Promise
3| ~(~A & B) & ~C 2, Taut Con (DEM)
4| ~(~A & B) 3, Conjunctive Elimination
5| ~~A v ~B 4, Taut Con (DEM)
Then you should have just used Disjunction Elimination.
6| |_ ~~A Assumption
7| | A 6, Double Negation Elimination
8| | A & B 7, Conjunction Introduction
| +
9| |_ ~B Assumption
10| | # 1,9, Contradiction Introduction
11| | A & B 10, Contradiction Explosion
12| A & B 5,6-8,9-11, Disjunctive Elimination
You can also prove this without invoking de Morgan's Law
You have B as a promise, so you just need to derive A. You may do that by reduction to absurdity.
1| B Promise
2|_ ~((~A & B) v C) Promise
3| |_ ~A Assumption
4| | ... ...
5| | ... ...
6| | # Contradiction Introduction 5
7| ~~A Negation Introduction 3-6
8| A Double Negation Elimination 7
9| A & B