Physicist John A Wheeler ( suggested the concept of "law without law" and "it from bit" which suggested that the universe did not have any laws at its initial state and they emerged being created by bits of information. He suggested that the universe was fundamentally discrete and it was made by information or even quantum information (it from bit and it from qubit).
But, is it there any other well known/famoua version of these concepts where the "bits" and the "its" are not fundamentally discrete but continuous? Any version that remplaces the digital view of wheeler by an analog view?
Here ( it is suggested that physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that the universe is made of analogical informational processes, but I could not find anything outside this page that indicated clearly that Dyson thought the universe was this way (for example in his wikipedia page this is not even mentioned)
So do you know of anything that could help? Any theory/hypothesis?