Imagine a person who can't remember anything. Idon't think this is possible in reality but let's assume he misses the part of remembring that can be temporally related to other experiences. He will still be able to see forms, though a piece of sound would be imperceptible. Every experience of sound needs a previous experience. Sound is a temporal experience. Images are non-temporal but the temporal connection between images is lost. There has to be some memory involved though to built up a coherent picture. But even this can be disgarded. A blind person can sometimes be able to say in what direction an object goes. When even forms an direction of motion is left out from seeing (on top of a theoretical framework interpreting it and also the memory of previous "images").
So all of experience wòuld be an unstructured perception of colors,sound, pain, itch, smells, and taste. It's questionable if even space exists in this case (I think the sensation of pain seems to come from everywhere). A person would be totally disoriented (disproving Einsteins pure perceptions from which creations are made). But what about the "now"? Isn't this the only thing that is really experienced? A never ending now (untill the guy dies)?