Excuse if this is not the right place for posing this question: I am not an expert in any of these areas, just an idea that came to my mind which I wanted to discuss:
The lottery ticket hypothesis for neural networks is this: ( https://roberttlange.github.io/posts/2020/06/lottery-ticket-hypothesis/ )
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: A randomly-initialized, dense neural network contains a subnetwork that is initialised such that — when trained in isolation — it can match the test accuracy of the original network after training for at most the same number of iterations. - Frankle & Carbin (2019, p.2)
If reincarnation as studied by Ian Stevenson is possible, does the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis provide maybe a theoretical explanation of what is it there that incarnates?
So the idea is simple: (Dense Neural Network) -LTH-> (Sparse Neural Network / "essence of the Dense Neural Network") -Transformers / Retraining of the Sparse Neural Network-> Dense Neural Network.
Dense Neural Network -LTH-> Sparse Neural Network
Sparse Neural Network -Retraining-> Dense Neural Network
So basically this would translate to: One gets born with a sparse neural network and throughout the life it gets a dense neural network. Then the "LTH" gives a theoretical explanation of a network which hase nearly the same "capacity" as the previous dense neural network, but which is sparse (= smaller in size). The idea is, that these steps can be succesively applied one after the other so to say, to "train" a better network - spoken in terms of computer science / artificial intelligence.
Question: Does this theoretical idea from computer science / artificial intelligence maybe provide some theoretical justification for reincarnation if it exists?
To put it more direct: What do you think of this idea as a possible theoretical explanation?
Sorry if this question does offend your belief system, I did not mean to be offensive, and I am not sure either if reincarnation is real or not.