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explained the argument in more detail

Can causally unconnected things become causally connected?

Things have properties and what it means by being in a causal connection is one object's property/properties determines the property/properties of the other object with which the first object maintains a causal connection.

But if determinism is the reality, then 2 objects that are causally isolated can never become a causally connected pair since the properties of 1 object has determined all the future states of itself.

So is it right to say that if we take time, causality, and determinism as fundamental features of our reality things that didn't get causally connected in the very beginning can never become causally connected ?

Has any philosopher written on this and what could be some objections to this argument ?

EDIT 2018/10/05****************************************************

I thought this question requires more clarification.

In my argument, I have reduced everything in this universe into particles. They aren't the subatomic particles that are known to us at the moment since it's possible that they might turn out they are emergent phenomena of something more fundamental just like we realized that atoms are not really atoms but composite things made of much smaller things. Even proton turned out to be a composition of another type of particles. So what I'm assuming in this question is the most fundamental level there is in reality. They can never turn out to be an emergent phenomena of something more fundamental by definition.

These most fundamental particles have properties and what it means by maintaining a causal connection between any 2 particles is that one particle's properties are determined by its and its causal partner's properties.

(1) Suppose there are 2 particles A and B. What it means by A is causally isolated from B is that if A's properties have certain values at time T1, values of its properties in all future times are determined by the values it had on time T1. It doesn't matter how B's properties evolve. They have no effect on A whatsoever.

(2) But if we assume B somehow gets causally connected with A at some time after T1, let's call that moment T2, what it means is after time T2, properties of A starts evolve depending on both A's and B's properties at time T2.

(3) But in point (1) we said that all A's future states were determined only by its own properties and point (2) contradicts it. Therefore the assumption that B could somehow get causally connected with a causally isolated particle must be wrong. Therefore a causally isolated particle should destined to live in causal isolation for eternity.

Edit end**************************************************************