I'm familiar with contradictions as the compound/molecular statement p ∧ ¬p. There's no truth-value combination of p (and ¬p) that can make p ∧ ¬p true. Stated differently, no possible world (as defined by different truth value combinations) exists where the statement p ∧ ¬p is true.
As you can see another way of defining a contradiction is a statement (atomic/molecular) for which all lines in its truth table evaluate to false.
A coupla questions:
Inconsistency is descriptive of a set of statements such that no line in its truth table has all of the individual component statements true. This results in the conjunction of all these statements evaluating to false for each line in its truth table. That means an inconsistent set of statements satisfies the truth-table definition of a contradiction (all lines evaluate to false). What's interesting/not about this is that we have the situation (where p, q, r, ... are the statements that form an inconsistent set of statements) p ∧ q ∧ r ∧ ... being false in all possible worlds but it is not of the form p ∧ ¬p. What does this mean I wonder? Do we have a species of contradiction different from p ∧ ¬p?
0 = 1 is declared on many sites as a contradiction. I have trouble with this because it doesn't fit the mold of a contradiction p ∧ ¬p. Where's the other statement? 0 = 1 is atomic and contradictions are molecular (conjunction of a statement and its denial). Say you have a mathematical argument like below:
Assumption A
Ergo 0 = 1
We can see that we've arrived at a falsehood. Using modus tollens we can then conclude the falsehood of the assumption A because the argument boils down to Assumption A ⇒ 0 = 1 and ¬(0 = 1). Ergo ¬Assumption A.
How is 0 = 1 a contradiction? My best guess is that we know 0 = 1 is false and the (erroneous) conclusion is that 0 = 1 is true and just like that we have 0 = 1 ∧ ¬(0 = 1); the statement ¬(0 = 1) could be thought of as a suppressed premise. Correct/incorrect/both/neither?